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Salty sweat dripped into my mouth despite having my teeth clenched. It was so intense my mouth throbbed and My wrists were practically cement. They were completely trapped, grasping the leather bands which held them against a cold metal slab.

Soon another jolt of electricity ran through my head down my spine making every inch of myself  pulse.

But, it wasn't too bad. At least now I've finally gotten used to the feeling of being nearly burnt to death. Yet the reason I craved this part of the day wasn't familiarity but was that it signalled the end.

Every piercing pain was relief because it would soon be my last. Well ... until tomorrow.

After what felt like forever, the restrictive bands clicked, unlocking. Exhausted I rolled right over off the icey table and plopped onto the grimy  floor. Landing with a thud.

Unintentionally a huge sigh escaped my lips. honestly I was so sleepy I could have slept right than and there.who knew getting zapped could help insomnia.

Sadly, the huge man who was in fact my electrical babysitter strolled in. A cool nonchalant attitude about the entire situation.

This man had red hair and a machine like stare. He wasn't the worst of these awful things but always had that end of the day "zap the subject job".

We had the same rougteen every night. He would shock my guts out, I would flop to the floor and nearly pass out, he would carry me to my cell and by the time we would arrive I'd have already fallen asleep in his arms.

I felt cold arms lift my flopping body of the ground add if I where air. His hands where so cold. Everything about him was cold.

And yet the warm drowsy feeling of slumber managed to whisk me away into another night.

My head snapped up so fast my neck got an awful cramp. My eyes wandered about the room, searching for something as my jittery hands folded over my chest. Was that a nightmare? I never remember my dreams but... it always seems like I wake up in a panic.

Our maybe outs the fact that I've never gotten used to this, even after a couple years. I'm not sure exactly how long I've been trapped in this hell whole but I'm certainly ready top escape.

Although I'm alone here, there are many others. Fifty of ... My kind, I guess you can say. The only reason I'm here, it's because of my ability to fight of disease. Our resistance to the deadly sickness exploring the world had caused these desperate people to take action in ways that are ... Cruel.

Me and the the other 49 subjects all have different tests.

And well, my current testing is purely to be alone. Remember that guy I was talking about? The one with the machine like stare? Well... He's a robot. I haven't had human contact in over two years.

It's extremely difficult. Although I used to be less of a people person, I would do anything just for one conversation. But that's not gonna happen.

Sighing, I looked out the small and only window I had in my cell. Outside was a forest which I liked to watch as the Golden sun began to rise. Still I preferred sun sets but because I always passed out before them these would have to do.

Through the rusty, mossy window I saw the first flicker of sunlight stretch across the trees and warm up the dead earth. It passed the cool stones and lightened up pretty green grass. It warmed the puddles and woke up snoozing flowers.

I loved the sun. It was so ... well alive. And I guess when you're me you get pretty desperate for anything living. Perhaps I'm mentally Unstable. I don't know, it would explain a lot.

That graceful ball of fire and gas had fully come out of hiding. Sh!t. That means...

The cell door smacked open and a tall lean brunet robot with such perfect human looks, if you didn't know better you would want to go up to her and go all flirty flirty. That would not end well... I highly advise against that.

to me they were nothing but pieces of tin which drove me to my misery.

"hello miss robot. "I jokingly sang, my voice itchy and rough from lack of use. They never talked though. Never spoke my name. " it's easy, simply open your mouth and say, hey Rory, good morning " I looked at the robot expectingly.

I knew it would never work though. If it ever spoke back I might just have a heart attack.

Instead the vile machine smoothly walked inside to escort me to wherever the next so called test world be... Aka torture.

It's lifeless fingers clenched into my soft fleshy arm and locked on. A long time ago, I would have resisted. Maybe I would have tried to fight, pull, escape from her mighty grip. But all that did was cause me to hurt myself.

Actually... I broke my left wrist on the third day. She was pulling me and I fought so violently, suddenly I leapt away forcing my entire body down but she held firm and I heard the painful snap followed by my even more shattering scream.

Luckily the robots began to grab my right hand instead. but it's never quite healed properly and I might as well cut it off.

I won't of course.

Calmly I trotted beside the robot, like the well trained puppy I pretend to be.

Even with a quick pace It takes a while some times.

Eventually we got to a large building... Actually This is a new one...

The big red square had no windows, no design besides it's cube shape and a simple, slightly darker door.

Cautiously I walked up, now taking the lead from the robot.

I put my hand around a small door know and pushed... Oh. That doesn't work.

I pulled. Of course that worked.

Curiously I peered inside.

My stomache dropped. My jaw opened my eyes burst.


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