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His ruffled boyish blonder hair fluttered in sections, just like I remembered. But his sweet smile was gone.

"Rory? " he called again.

" Caleb! "I screamed.

My legs set of before my mind new it. My arms reached forwards ready to embrace my brother.

Happily I smiled as I leaned down.

But than, as of he were a ghost my hands went straight through him. Struck with horror my eyes widened.

" Rory?" he called for the third time, not even looking at me.

"no... Caleb. You... Lied to me. You aren't.... real. " I cried out between my now sobbing breathes, aching inside more than ever.

" I'll kill you! "I screamed into the empty air, at no one in particular.

" Rory? "he reapeted

I smashed my hand into the fake holographic version of my brother, angrily twisting my hatred into violence shoving as hard as I could as if fighting would being him back.

" Rory? " he said

" shut up! "I screamed " shut up!"

Suddenly the hologram swayed. The light disfigured.

"Ro- we're gonna save you"

I stared, confused. Did that just happen. The figure returned to normal and I'm not sure if I'm actually going crazy. Am I insane?

Just like that, my robot slithered in. She grabbed my arm with no warning and began heaving me out of the room. This was all going way to fast.

"wait, am I going crazy? " I asked" tell me what's going on, please "

The emotionless bot continued.

Sighing I tried to make sense of what happened. Did that actually just go down? That voice sounded so... Real.

In fact I can feel it, it was a living person. I think I've just been communicated with.

My eyes widened in disbelief. This doesn't make any sense. Perhaps it's all to get a reaction from me. To study me...

She dragged me on, to the next horrifying place designed to make me go crazy. I can't do much more of this.

I tried to swallow my fear as we went on, but it was too much to handle. Especially if that wasn't on purpose.

Suddenly we stopped, and my eyes widened in complete awe. We weren't anywhere new. We now stood in front of my cell.

Okay I was wrong... Something is defenetaly up, something had gone wrong... Yessss. I smiled, any idea of having my capturers in a bit of a pickle will make me happy any day.

The robot shoves me into my cell and lockes the door behind me. Oh well.

I crawl over to my itchy bed and scootch or the small window to the world. That's when it hits me... Finally, I can watch the sunset . My grin grows.

I look up to the sky. There it is. The sun is now about three hours to setting time. Until then I suppose I should analyze what happend.

As I lay down I remember the words spoken. "were gonna save you" that's very big picture, I guess they didn't have time or the power for much details.

But than again, there was defenetaly something about that voice. It was husky and laced with pain. But that's not all, it's as if It have a familiar vibe.

I know I've never known anyone with that voice. It stands out but, it sounds so recognizable still. I swear I heard something familiar when his voice sounded. There was something else I felt too. I just can't place it yet.

I sighed, exhausted. Is this a stupid trick? I don't like to allow false hope but could a fake really make me feel so... I still can't say.

but nevertheless, I have hope.

Clumsily I rolled onto my side and than sat up, to check on the sun.

But instead, when I looked, something caught my eyes. Or somebody. My entire body froze, it was a human figure. I saw a silhouette of a person. I know every inch of this view, never have I seen this before. Could it be? A human?

"Hey! " I shrieked "Help me, please they have me here against my will!"

"Hey! "I shouted again as the figure did nothing. I began to slam my fists against the wall, trying to get their attention.

" help me" I cried.

In the distance I saw another dark shape emerge. The first one finally moved, and it quickly seemed to run in the opposite direction. The new shadow simply kept walking.

I would have called again but a weird vibe told me that this one was not on my side. It could have been that the first ran away, or it might have been the way it seemed to walk, stiff and steady. Not a normal human.

Eventually they were both our of my sight. That could've been the first human I've seen in two years.

I took my eyes away from the window and wondered how I'm gonna pass the time. I look at my small room. It's only able to fit a bed, window, water pump and a small dresser with a couple of my items inside like my hairbrush and oh... did I mention I had a pet frog.

Yup. Hubert, my little tree frog I found one day in some tall grass on our walk home. He's been my only companion in these dark times.He's so cute, about three centimetres and lime green with a white belly and farmer grab freckles.

I keep little Hubert safe in my drawer. With water and small bugs like the moths and spiders which always creep in. Trust me that frog will never be hungry. Unlike me...

I poke into the drawer and look inside. "Hi huey" I whisper through a grin in my face.

Hubert turned away in response. I placed my hand inside and slowly put the little amphibian on my hand. Before, he would try and squirm off, but now he's used to being a pet and I believe he enjoys the safety and rather easy meals.

I carefully put huey down onto my window sill. He can watch the sunset with me, I'd rather share this special moment with a freind.

Just than I hear the familiar sounds of soft robotic walking, here to dilever my disgusting meal. Since I'm only feed onec a day though I won't turn it down no matter how awful it tastes.

Eagerly I wait at the door, ready for it to unlock.

Suddenly a huge bang sounded, I screamed before I could stop myself. My eyes bulged and jaws dropped. "Hey! What's the hell is going on!?" I screamed in a huge panic. No reply.

Oh God, oh god. That was a gun shot. I remember that sound... That was a gun.

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