05:25 AM

60 4 0

I'll be there, when your reflection

gives back a tired look,

and only see your weary face,

considering that it is not beautiful

for facing a

constant tiredness.

[ ... ]

Wonwoo looked up at the mirror. His vision was blurry at first, the drops slipping and falling from his chin. He wiped his face with a towel and put on his glasses. At last he could see his face. Miserable. He looked like a living dead. With dark circles under his eyes and a tired expression that he couldn't erase no matter how much water ran down his weary face.

He came out of the bathroom. At that time, Junhui was still sleeping. They shared an apartment and a room, so he was careful to go to the kitchen and turn on the coffee pot. He squatted on the ground and checked some things on his cell phone while in that position. He yawned and rubbed his eye. The kitchen light was the only light on in the place. He waited 20 minutes until he decided to get up and make his own coffee with just a little sugar, no milk. He turned off the light, the dark room only let in through the window the warm lights of the street lamps.

He entered his room being careful not to make any noise, as Junhui's bed was on the other side of the room and he didn't want to wake him up. It was five in the morning after all, and the other boy had classes at his respective faculty until 11:00 AM, just like Wonwoo, but he forced himself to wake up early to study as much as he could, taking advantage of the day to the max.

He was careful not to drop the coffee cup or spill its contents over the border, as he had tremors in his hands that had gotten worse lately. He walked over to his desk, from the side of his room, which was wide, so they had no problem sharing it.

He heard only Jun's soft almost imperceptible breathing and the ceiling fan spinning above his head. He switched on the lamp and opened the thick book to the page he had left it on. The subject he stayed on the night before.

He sipped his coffee, at such an early hour of the day, when the sun hadn't risen yet, he didn't feel like eating. So the bitter drink was the only thing his stomach could take. He began to study, as his brain would allow him as he woke up little by little. He took notes from time to time. He sneezed, the morning chill forcing him to put on a hoodie.

And two hours later, at around 07:00 AM, Junhui slowly opened his eyes. Beneath the blanket, he poked his head out with a mop of messy brown hair. As soon as the sun appeared, the morning light was scarce (and he didn't have his contact lenses), but he could recognize the silhouette of Wonwoo with his head down, stuck in his book and his elbows leaning on the desk, so that his hands could hold his head and not fall forward. Junhui frowned slightly. He reached out and moved the curtain a little.

The sky was dyed a different color, because in the west a dark blue that was illuminated to a lighter one, dressed the moon that was hardly seen anymore. And in the east, the rosy tint rising behind the mountains, with a sun that showed the hints of a golden crown.

Wonwoo, again awake very early, with a cup of coffee, with the dim light of the early morning, and studying as soon as he opened his eyelids.


Junhui pulled the blanket off him and stretched out like he was a cat. The raven-haired noticed the older waking up and smiled softly, looking back at his reading work.

I'll Be There (WonHui) - engWhere stories live. Discover now