I am sorry, angel.

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Win's POV

I was totally shocked to see Bright in front of me, and even more on what happened with me. I never had faced this type of thing ever, and it just felt so weird when he touched me. 

Bright was blood red from his face, I could sense that he was really pissed off from what happened. And thats when i realized one thing ; he really wants to protect me and take care of me. From what I've known him, he feels like a very calm person. But it was crazy how he became so scary now.

It felt weird but so good at the same time ; weird because that asshole tried to touch me and good because my boyfriend was there to protect me.

I came out of my thoughts when i heard Bright scream on Mil again.

Bright: This was really nothing. I swear to God, you try to touch or even talk or look at him once more, you'll see the worst side of me, and I am a man of my words!

Boss: What is happening here?

Bright started explaining everything ; how his son touched me and shouted a little on the fact that even if he is his son, doesn't mean that he can do anything he likes in office.

Our boss now warned his son, to never come in the office unless hi asks him to. I was happy that at least he was with us. Or else it would've been a problem for Bright because of me too, and to be very honest, I really never wanted that.

Boss: Bright and Win, I am really sorry for his behavior. I don't know why he did this. Please accept my apology, and you don't worry now, i will warn him to come here, you guys can leave right now, its already the time too.

Bright grabbed my hand and we left from there. The way he held it, said so many things.

We sat in the car and Bright was lost in his thoughts. Why does he seem so focused?

Win: Bright, are you good? Is something on your mind, hm?

Bright: Win, I really don't want to bring it back but, I am sorry angel, I am so sorry my baby. I should've come earlier.. I should've known that asshole's intention, so that it couldn't happen in the first place. I am sorry baby.

Win: Bright, please. Don't say like this, you came at least. I don't know what could've happened ahead if it wasn't for you to come there and save me. I had to happen so it happened. You're not at fault babe.

Bright: But still baby, I feel very ba-

I cut him off by kissing him on the lips. He started kissing me back and I let him take control. We kissed each other for like 10 minutes straight and we were already breathing and panting so hard.

Win: Don't you ever say it was your fault, okay? For me, whatever you did means so much to me, and it always will.

Bright: I love you Win, i love you so much.

Win: Mhm I love you too, my sweetheart.

And just like that, he pulled me by my neck to now kiss me more passionately. We stayed like that for a few minutes when he started sucking and kissing on my neck. This was more new to me, and it just felt so good.

Win: Ahhh.. bright. please.. it feels.. so, so.. good.

Even though I was biting my lips to stop myself from doing so, I still moaned. It was actually so amazing, whatever he was doing.

He then stopped doing whatever he was doing and pushed himself back. I wondered why he'd stop.

Bright: Win, we should take this a little slow, don't you think? I really don't want you to feel nad because of it.

Win: Its totally fine. You're so considerate of me. And, I just want to let you know, that I will never feel bad of whatever you do. You're my boyfriend, and i really love you okay?

Bright: So cute you're baby. So, i have decided to take this a little slow, if its okay with you?

I nodded and we both smiled at each other. We then looked at the time, and Bright started the car and we left from there.

AN: This was a very short chapter, sorry tho hehe. I will write better on the next one as I didn't really have a lot on mind for this one.

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