The fight(or how I ended up at Nevermore.)

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(Foreshadowing warning!)

"Fuck off!" I yell. "No you will eat what I give you, and you will like it!"

(Foreshadowing over.)

I whine as he gets the kidney mash ready, not wanting to eat people.

"Crystal, one way or another, you will eat your dinner. Don't make me force you."


"That's it! You asked for it! Hold still!" He wrestles me into a chair and pins me there. "Open!"

"Uh uh." I try to push the bowl away. I struggle against his hold as he grabs my face and forces my mouth open. He shoves the spoonful of food in my mouth. I gag, thrashing in his grip. He forces me to swallow. " are you going to be good now? Or are you going to keep fighting? "

"Fuck you! You made me like this! I didn't ask for this!"

"I know you don't but if I didn't put you through the ritual, you would have gotten sick and died from the changes."

"I still don't like it at all."

"I know, but it was for your protection."

I reach into my backpack for some boar jerky and try to eat it. My dad slaps my hand and pins me down and forces me to eat the mash,until the contents of the bowl are gone. I whine again. We continue to yell back and forth. Eventually I scream at him and stomp away to my room. I sneak out my window after locking my bedroom door. I run into town and teleport to SPD headquarters. I start my work day. At the end of the day, I head to my dorm. Several weeks later, nearly a month after I ran off, I'm still working, and sleeping in my dorm. After I fell asleep, I am woken up by the sound of twitching and clicking. I wake up to see Toby leaning over me. I screamed. He covers my mouth, using his body weight to hold me down as he uses a rag soaked in chloroform to knock me back out. He throws me over his shoulder and carries me out of the base, taking a Slenderport to the mansion and hands me over to my dad. Dad takes me to a different Slenderport and teleports me to a different forest, in Jericho, Vermont. I am dound by enid and she carries me to the front gates as I wake up, struggling in her grip. She sets me down. I immediately try to run off, and she swiftly catches me, putting my homemade mask on me and securing it. I thrash harder in her grip, before noticing someone is waiting there. "Hello, is this our new student?" I whimper clinging to my Enid "miss, I'm scared, and I still can't see." I say, whimpering again as smile dog nudges me. She hands me Smile's harness. I whimper scared as I am introduced to the principal.

"So, you must be our unruly disobedient new student, right?" I whimper and try to hide behind Enid. "I'm principal Barry Dort. What's your name cutie?" "I'm Crystal. " I stammer. I am looking in the wrong direction for him. "Crystal here, let me help." Enid grabs my hand and places it in the principals. He shakes my hand. "Ahh, so that's what he meant by she's struggling to adjust to the changes, she's blind!" Enid looks at me. "Hey, hey, you alright?" I whimper and try to hide again. "looks like someone is shy." She says. "your a skittish one, aren't you? The principal says. I whimper again, still trying to find somewhere to hide. " I've got some other kinds of teething toys if you need them." She says to me after she catches a whiff of my dental pain relief medicine. "she's teething as well then. Alright, I can handle this. Enid, could you take our new student to pick up her uniform and introduce her to her roommate?" "fine..." She sighs and takes me to Bianca's room after she takes me to get my uniform. "I would watch your back with your roommate, she's a total bitch." I whine, scared. "Here, you'll need these." She hands me a lair of earplugs. "What are these for?" I ask "You'll find out soon." she says. I whimper.

She knocks on the door. "Bianca? I'm here with someone who you need to meet!" Bianca groans annoyed, bit after a minute or so, goes over to the door and opens it. "Damn it Enid, what do you want?" "I'm here because I wanted to introduce you to your roommate, she's new here, and rather skittish." "roommate, haha, what are you talking about?" She says, still rather rude.

"Sorry Bianca, the new principal said you needed a roommate this semester. You're the only one without one."

"Ugh, fine. I hate the new principal already. Just don't touch anything that is mine or you'll regret it. What's with the mask anyway, are you coming from a costume party or something?" I shake my head rapidly. " you won't like what's under the mask. " I say, warning her away. "well just see about that." I move to unpack and get settled in. After a few hours of getting settled in, the lunch bell rings. We go to the cafeteria and I am presented with a bowl of kidney mash and a bottle of bloody milk. I wrinkle my nose as Enid warns Bianca that getting me to eat the food will be difficult. "What do you mean, the hell does she eat?" Enid points at my tray with a bowl of kidney mash and a bottle of bloody milk. She walks away holding her nose, grossed out. "Ewwww keep that shit away from me." I whine, not wanting to eat it as we walk to a table. I try to push the tray away and Bianca realizes what Enid means by being difficult. " ugh if your going to be difficult about eating, you leave me with no choice." She uses her siren song to get me to eat, as I try to put up a fight. I fail, and she feeds it to me, grumpily burping me after I finish my bloody milk bottle. I grips Smile's harness handle as Enid takes me to werewolf reproduction after the bell rings. "You're a lucky one, you have very few classes due to the level on which you studied at your old school!" You've been signed up for archery club and have a assigned aide to point you in the right direction. We've set up some special targets that make noise if you hit them. We have werewolf reproduction and your dad will come by once a week to teach you about your demonic CreepyPasta heritage. On full moons, you'll join me and the other furs in the Lupen cages." I whimper nervously. "don't be shy! Come on, class is this way!" Smile runs after her as I stumble down the hallway following Enid, and led by Smile dog. I whine, nervous about meeting so many loud new people. "Hey everyone! We have a new classmate!" Enid shouts as she enters the classroom. "Where?! Where?! Where?!" Is heard from the classroom. "Class, as Enid has told you, we have a new student. Now she is blind, and has a guide dog, so please be careful with her. Crystal? You can come in now!" I whimper as I enter the classroom. "Class, this is Crystal. Please be gentle with her, she technically can't see anything, she's blind." I whimper as they crowd around me sniffing me. They begin rubbing their cheeks against mine in an attempt to scent me as I whimper nervously. "Yeah, I should of warned you she is rather skittish, my bad."

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