chapter twenty four - oh my god.

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"hello ma'am how can i help?" the lady asked. "hi sorry my bag hasn't arrived and all our other bags have come, i was wondering if you could help me find my stuff?" olivia asked, it was clear she was frustrated with the whole scenario but she was still doing her best to be polite. olivia gave the lady her luggage info and she was tracking her bag. "how long has it been?" iris asked conan. "about an hour since we landed" he whispered back. "okay okay..." iris said before going up to the desk. "it looks like your bag has been placed on the wrong flight to new york, but that flight will land in just about two hours which you can collect your bag then. sorry for the inconvenience. can i assist you with anything else?" she asked. "no thank you, thank you so much" olivia said smiling. "two hours...." iris whispered. "lets go get something to eat" conan said.

2 hours later,

louis and millie were waiting for their bags to come off the plane. "okay where to after this?" millie asked. "lets just get to her place" louis said nervously. millie smiled at him. "wait, isn't that olivia's bag?" he said pointing to the other side of the baggage claim.

olivia and her friends were walking back from eating on the other side of the airport. "finally this flight is here" olivia said. "i'm so tired" iris said. "agreed" conan added.  "we better find this bag. because flying back will take a while" olivia said. "it'll be worth it though" iris said. "i hope." olivia adds. the group made it to baggage claim, "okay guys i'm going to go buy plane tickets back to london, can you get my stuff?" olivia said. "course" conan responded smiling. olivia and maddie ran off to buy tickets hoping to get a flight soon. conan and iris walked around and found olivia's bag, "finally" iris said reaching for the bag when another person also reached for the bag. she looked up to see louis. 

"louis?!?" iris said shocked. "oh my god-" conan said. "hey guys" he smiled lifting olivia's bag off and handing it to iris. "oh my god millie, you were flying. we were right" iris said still in complete shock. "wait, were you going to fly-" millie said. iris nodded quickly. "oh my god, we were right" millie said. louis completely ignored their comments and asked, "where is olivia?". iris stood their for a second, still processing what had just happened. "ohhH! she went with maddie to buy tickets back to london, quick find her before she tries to run off to a flight that she doesn't need to take!" iris said freaking out grabbing louis arm and pulling him through the airport crowd.

"thank you so much" olivia said taking the tickets from the man at the counter. "okay, maddie, given their were only two seats left, i'm guessing you want to come?" olivia said. "of course! plus we have to run! we don't have long until the plane leaves!" maddie said. "i need my stuff!" olivia said running back the way they came. maddie yelled after her but olivia couldn't hear what she was saying. "olivia!" maddie said. "i'll meet you there!" olivia said turning her head to see maddie while she was running which was when she collided into someone else. 

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