⚘thirty six⚘

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I sit in the Featherington drawing room. John is sitting in my lap. For all their faults Prudence and Philippa do enjoy being aunts. They will make good mothers. Flash mama's but good mama's. Right now they are talking about Lady Whistledown.

"Why does no one simply consult the local parish registry for her name?" Philippa questions. "She must live somewhere."

"You suggest to look in a registry for someone named Lady Whistledown?" Prudence questions.

"Well, obviously, not that exactly," Philippa reasons. "But she must have a first name."

"That is how you think Whistledown will be discovered?" Prudence questions.

"She shall not be discovered," Pen insists as she walks into the drawing room. "She is too good at hiding herself." She smiles as she sits beside me and John.

"Speaking of hiding... how did you secure Mr. Bridgerton?" Prudence questions. "Did you find a spell in one of your books?"

Aunt Featherington walks into the room. "Girls, you shall not abuse your sister in this household."

Philippa scoffs. "You were the one who..."

Aunt Featherington does not let her conuntie, "We have all been acting in an uncouth way of late. With the excitement of dual pregnancies and a surprise engagement, we have all quite forgotten ourselves. But as head of this household, I will remind us. Featheringtons support one another."

Philippa and Prudence both laugh.

"Is that what you were doing?" Pen remarks. "Supporting me?"

"You are right. I have been unkind," Aunt Featherington admits. "But it stops now. And thankfully, we have your engagement party coming up to allow us our fresh start."

"We do?" Prudence remarks.

"Which Penelope and I shall attend with Diana alone," Aunt Featherington tells her. "It will give you two time to deliberate on how best to amend your behavior towards your sister."

"I am going to my room to read," Pen says as she stands up.

"Very well," Aunt Featherington says as she takes the space beside me.

"You may be trying a little too hard," I whisper.

Aunt Featherington takes John into her arms. "Nonsense."

It seems the only thing quicker than the match between Miss Featherington and Mr. Bridgerton is the rest of London's quick return to old ways, with Lady Featherington racing to attach herself to the Bridgertons and the queen back on her fruitless hunt for Lady Whistledown. But this secret is one that cannot be rushed.

Pen and Colin's engagement party is at Bridgerton house. I can tell that Kate has put a lot of effort into this.

Kate smiles as she notices Benedict and I standing with his brothers. "Good evening."

"You have outdone yourself, sister," Benedict tells her.

"Look at this place," I offer. "The flowers are beautiful."

"Thank you," Kate tells me. "You look beautiful and you all look dashing."

"Not as much as Gregory," Anthony remarks.

I notice Hyacinth and Gregory coming down the stairs. Gregory is wearing a top hat.

"Brother, wherever did you get such a fine hat?" Anthony questions.

"I will be an Eton man soon," Gregory reasons. "It is high time I begin presenting myself as one."

"Perhaps Eton will make your brain big enough to finally fill that hat," Hyacinth remarks.

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