𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 - 𝟭

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"Norah Arthur wake up now!" Someone yelled causing me to wake up

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"Norah Arthur wake up now!" Someone yelled causing me to wake up. "What?"What? Wake up now or we will miss our flight you haven't done packing and by the time you get dressed we will be late for sure" " we won't be late Stella don't worry!""How could you know if we will be late or not it is already 11:30 we have to reach the airport by 1:30""okay I will wake up now".

I got up and got freshen up, packed my bags and we waited for our Taxi.

We reached the airport on time."see I told you we won't be late""yeah yeah now shut up". We did our security check and immigration. We waited for the boarding to start.

 We waited for the boarding to start

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"Flight no. 508 Which is going from New York to London the Boarding has started. Please come to Zone no. 2""That's our flight right come let's go"

"Good Afternoon Ma'am are you flying by Business Class?""Yes we are flying by Business Class""Then you can follow me to the seats". We Smiled and the Lady Showed us our seats.

"Please do tell us if anything is wrong""We would, thank you!". Just then someone came in a uniform.

We had a eye contact for a mere second. His Dark Blue Eyes Meets my Dark Brown eyes. I quickly Broke it. He went to the cock-pit.

"Omg why do I feel my heart raising no it's nothing Norah!"

Soon I heard the captain speaking "Ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon. Welcome on board British Airways. This is Your Captain Liam speaking and I have some information about our flight. Our flight time today will be 7 hours and our estimated time of arrival in London is 7:00 local time. We are expecting a smooth flight. We ask that you please fasten your seatbelts at this time and secure all baggage underneath your seat or in the overhead compartments. We also ask that your seats and table trays are in the upright position for take-off."

I quickly fasten my seatbelts. And adjusted to my seats.

 And adjusted to my seats

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I woke up after 5 hours. We had our lunch. The flight just landed now in London. Even if i came here a lot I will still be mesmerized by this place's beauty.

"Stella wake up we reached London." I said. Causing her to wake up. "We reached? wait let me grab my stuff". She grabbed her stuff and we did our security check and we left the airport to our hotel.

"Don't you wanna go and see Nova?"" Yes I want to see her i have messaged her. She must be busy since she has her exams coming up""okay well let me take a bath". I just nodded my head.

Stella was taking a bath and I was bored so i decided to go out and explore the city. "Stella I am going out!""okay". I grabbed by jacket and left the room.

Ahh the cold weather of London is the so good. I wish I could live here. as I was walking someone bumped into me. "Oh i am sorry I didn't mean to"" it's okay" i looked up to see him. The man I saw on the flight. He just smiled and went.

I turned around to see him once more. Suddenly i felt someone hugging me from behind. "Surprise!". I turned around to see Nova. "Omg Nova don't you have classes today?" I said while hugging her. "No we had a half day and I called you but you didn't answered so I asked Stella and she said you would here"

I checked my phone to see 2 missed calls from her. "Oh i am sorry my phone was on silent""it's okay""between you told me there was a shop called Weasleys that has a famous Waffles?""Yeah do you wanna go there?""Yes""Alright let's go then."

We reached the café

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We reached the café. And it looks so beautiful. The Chandler, the seatings. "Come let's sit over there". She pointed. I nodded my head and we sat there. The waitress came and we ordered. "Uhm can I have a Belgium Waffles with some chocolate Syrup please?" "Yes sure what about you ma'am?"Just a normal waffles with honey thank you"

"So how is your studies going Nova?""It's good Norah my exams are coming up and i am preparing for it""Good don't you fail otherwise i will kill you". She laughed "okay i won't fail"

Out waffles reached and we started to eat. "It's so good"" see I told you right!""Oh god i think I would come to London just to eat these!""Don't worry they are opening their branch on Manhattan""that's great now I can eat them when I am there"

We bid our goodbyes and i reached my room. I was thinking about that man who I bumped into that's when Stella said. "Look at this Norah!""What happened?". I asked curiously and she showed me the photo of......

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24 ⏰

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