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Shu groans as he wakes up, looking towards his window to see sunlight trying to peek through. He looks over to see Uki still asleep. He decides to get up, get ready for the day, and start on breakfast.

Uki woke up to the smell of food filling his nose. He look over to the other side of the bed to see his brother absent. He gets up and walks to the kitchen to see what his older brother is making.

Shu hears footsteps and looks over to see his younger brother walking into the kitchen with messy hair and his pjs still on. "Morning sleepy head." He smiles and gets back to cooking.

"Morning..." Uki grumbles, sitting down at the table.

"How did you sleep?" The taller asks.

"Fine." The shorter responds. "What about you? Did you have anymore nightmares?"

"Nope." Shu smiles. "The rest of my sleep was very peaceful!" Uki hummed, as he put his head down on the table.

"Foods ready!" Shu exclaims, putting it on 2 plates, and bringing it over to the table. "Eat up!"

The two soon finish their food. Shu does the dishes while Uki gets ready for his day.

"Hey Shu?" Uki asks walking into the kitchen just as Shu finishes up with the dishes.

"Yes?" Shu replies, turning around to see Uki holding his phone.

"Fulgur, Sonny, and Alban want to hang out. Is that alright?"

"Of course!"

"Yay! Thank you, Shu!"

"Of course! Have fun with your boyfriend, Fulgur." Shu jokes, making Uki flushered.

"SHU!!" Uki exclaims. "He is not my boyfriend!"

"Not yet that is. I see the way you two look at each other. He obviously likes you, and you obviously like him!"

Uki lets out a sigh as he gets a text. He looks down at his phone, and runs off. Shu chuckels at Uki's goofiness. "That boy is so in love."

Suddenly, he gets a text.


Demon Man 👹 (Vox)
You guys wanna hang out?

Book Worm 📚🐛 (Ike)
Sure! Where should we meet?

Banana Hair 🍌 (Shu)
How about the new cafe
that just opened?

Demon Man 👹
Sure! Meet you two there
in an hour

Book Worm 📚🐛

Shu looks up from his phone with a sigh.

"Fulgur is here!" Uki yells from their apartment door. "See you later!"

"Be safe! Love you!"

"Love you too!"

Shu hears the front door open, and then close. Shu smiles because his brother is finally making friends at his school after being shy for so many years.


Shu hangs out with his friends in the next chapter!!

Words- 448

See you in the next chapter!

-Your lovely nonbinary writer 🖤

I'll be with you through the hard times. {★Shuca★} (ON HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now