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An hour passed and Shu was locking up his apartment to hangout with his friends. He finished locking the door and started to walk down the hall when he got a shiver down his spine as he felt like someone was watching him. He brushed it off as nothing as he walked into the elevator.

He arrived in the parking garage, and walked towards his car. He got in and drove towards the cafe.

Soon enough, he pulled into the parking lot and walked in. He looked over and saw Uki sitting with his friends. Uki also spotted him as he waved at him. The older smiles and started to walk over.

"Are you following me or something?" Uki jokes.

"Nope. My friends were wanting to hang out, and we decided to hang out here." Shu chuckels.

"Hello there!" ? says. "I'm Fulgur. You must be Shu, Uki's brother!"

"Correct!" Shu exclaims.

"Nice to meet you, Shu. This is Sonny." Fulgur says as he points to a blonde haired boy with blue eyes. The blond hair waves. "And then the person whose head is on his shoulder is Alban!" Fulgur points to a brown haired boy with heterochromia and what seems to be cat ear clicks in his hair. The brunette smiles and berries his face into Sonny's shoulder more.

"Nice to meet you all!" Shu smiles towards his younger brother's group. He was about to say more when he heard a voice behind him.

"Yo, Shu!" A voice calls out that he recognizes as Vox's. Shu turns around to see him and Ike holding hands.

"I better get going. See you at home Uki." Shu smiles as he walks towards his friends.

"Hey Shuey!" Ike happily says.

"Hi guys. You better not make me a third wheel." Shu replies.

Ike and Vox had been dating for a little over 2 years, and had even moved in together once they both had turned 18. Every time they also hang out with Shu, he always ends up a third wheel and feeling single.

"No promises!" Vox chuckles, making Ike sigh.

The three sat down in a booth as a waitress walked over to them. They ordered and started talking.

When Shu looked over when he heard someone walk in. It was a tall blonde with purple eyes. Shu didn't think he was even over 18 and yet he had a muscular build. The tall blonde man turned over and caught Shu looking at him. Shu felt his face heat up as he hurried to turn away. The blonde smiled to himself as he found a table and sat down.

"Who you looking at Shuburt?" Vox asks.

"No one!" Shu was quick to respond.

"Sureeeeee" Ike laughs and he looks in the direction Shu was. He spots the blonde man and smirks. "You were looking at that blondie, weren't you?" Shu's face was immediately turned a dark red and he hid his face in his hands.

"Omg, you were!" Vox exclaims.

"Shut up." Shu groans, causing Vox and Ike to laugh.


HI LUCAR!! *Weird Lucub, Yaminion, and Stargazer noises*

*Cough, cough* Sorry about that :3

2 chapters in one day??? And maybe more lol

Words- 544

See you in the next chapter!

-Your lovely nonbinary writer 🖤

I'll be with you through the hard times. {★Shuca★} (ON HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now