Chapter 7: Playmate! (1)

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Hi, sorry for the long wait, and sorry for not updating for so long.

Please enjoy this.

(i feel like I'm becoming too boring 💀)


"Excuse me?"

"You heard me correctly. Let's be friends!"

'Is this kid for real?'

Adam look at him skeptically, getting anxious for the first time in his life.

The opponent in front of him is obviously not weak.
He could kill him in any moment yet he ask him to be his friend?

'He must be playing with me to make me lower my guard.'

No matter how young he is....
This is the crown prince after all.

A memory flash through his mind as he remember Arjen's warning before he left for his mission.


"There are some horrifying rumors around that royal brat."


"Some nobles said something about him being a psycho...? I'm not sure but it's something close to that."

"You believe that?"

"Even if it's a rumor, it's better to be careful."

*End of flashback*


'I should've brought an artifact or rune with me...'

Adam regret not listening to Arjen's warning but now is not the time to think about it.

His target is currently waiting for his answer.

A few seconds went by, and the prince's patience grew thinner.

"Do you-"


The surrounding become awkward and silence all of a sudden.

A direct blunt answer just came out from Adam's mouth.
He answer without any hesitation, making the Prince smile wider.

"Are you sure? You're so interesting! I've never met anyone who have an aura as strong as mine except my family!"

'Strong as his? Am I that strong to him?'

Light speak cheerfully, like a child feeling happy that he had found a friend.

Though his eyes speak differently from his attitude.

His eyes keep gazing into Adam's, as if trying to read into his soul.

His eyes are too calculating, not that of a child.

Light is looking for his weakness.
Of course Adam won't let that happen.

With a swift movement, he cut off Light's arm with a fire sword that came out of his hand.

Slash- thup-

The small hand belonging to Light fell quietly on the ground cover of dirt.

Light stare at it with widen eyes, quite surprise by his sudden move.

Looking back at where Adam was, only falling leaves were there.

'Huhu.. I thought I would finally have a new toy to play with..'

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