Prayer: Hopes for Guidance

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 When Zhidao fled from Master Xianzhi's place in Henggufang to the world of Earth, there Zhidao meditated in the 北院 Běiyuàn of China (Northern Edge), particularly between its borders and Mongolia. She stood up and wandered the grass paths of this new land that eventually led her from Hāmì of Xīnjiāng to its capital city; Ürümqi. While in the capital, Zhidao wanted to be in a remote location for peace, until someone saw her.

 The one she met was an 18-year-old boy, who seemingly was a Scholar based on his clothing and baggage. She began slowly approaching the boy, seemingly sensing an odd ambience from him to which the boy flinched by a bizarre woman wearing a brightly white robe, ostensively free-flowing in the air along with her hair. At first glance, he thought he saw such a ghostly figure, so he stepped back a little. But after hearing her speak...

 "Human, are you well? 你看起來很困擾 (Nǐ kàn qǐlái hěn kùnrǎo.)" Zhidao said with concern in a soft-spoken ethereal-like voice, knowing that the boy was exhuming an enormous amount of deceived aura.

 "什麼? (Sh-shénme?...) W-who are you...?" The boy responded with worry for himself, taken aback by Zhidao's voice of concern. He was planning to run away, but couldn't do so out of fear.

 Zhidao responded hesitantly since she doesn't create conversations like this with some humans, but only guides them silently to the right path in their lives. "...I am a Guiding Spirit, so I must guide you all to enlightenment. I know humans aren't capable of understanding me or things like these, but please, 接受我的信任 (jiēshòu wǒ de xìnrèn.) I can help you." Zhidao said with a trustworthy tone in her voice.

 "如何 (R-rúhé?) How did you know I'm troubled..." Then the boy spoke in his mind. "我還在地球嗎 (Wǒ hái zài dìqiú ma?...) How am I talking to a... non-human?-" The boy was slightly conflicted by the situation, but eventually, Zhidao let him understand what he needed despite her overwhelming presence.

 As the day slowly fell from the skies and night emerged underneath, the Scholar boy led Zhidao to the backyard of his house for her to rest there momentarily as she was still quite unfamiliar with this specific place. Then soon after, Zhidao spoke up with her unnaturally human voice and surfaced a small talk before the boy could leave her momentarily.

 "Scholar child, 我可以知道你的名字嗎 (Wǒ kěyǐ zhīdào nǐ de míngzì ma?)" Zhidao asked, as to know more about him a bit. To which the boy politely and softly answered her query.

 "Ah... 我道歉 (wǒ dàoqiàn.) My name is Diushide..." He bowed respectfully to Zhidao, knowing that he was still unfamiliar with Zhidao's behaviours and personality, which she acknowledged well. After that, Diushide softly offered Zhidao to get inside the house, but she declined and stayed in the spacious backyard to meditate in peace and watch the bright stars and moon above the night sky.

 Some time had passed, and Zhidao began to pray in silence for Master Xianzhi's current condition to be well, for Diushide's as well, and for everyone in this world. "我祈禱(Wǒ qídǎo), that you may all be well and in peace sooner..."

 Hours had passed and it was the breaking of dawn; a new day of facing what life and fate instilled. Diushide and Zhidao eventually greeted the day early as they awoke from their rest.

 Diushide and Zhidao eventually greeted the day early as they awoke from their rest

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