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Ardhansh's POV

"Get down," I ordered. She flinched, still crying, and I sighed as I got out of the car.

I walked over to her side, pulled her out of the car, and led her to the cliff overlooking the whole city, illuminated like a newlywed bride.

"Do you hate me?" I asked, caressing her soft belly. She didn’t answer, causing a smile to appear on my lips.

"How much, Yana?" I asked again. She struggled to get out of my hold, trying to push me away, which only made me tighten my grip.

"I don't hate you, Ardhansh, nor do I want to love you," I heard her defeated voice and snuggled my nose in the crook of her neck, sliding her curly hair aside.

"But I didn't give you an option, Jaan," I breathed, and her body loosened in my arms.

"Will you force me, Ardhansh? Because I don't want to stay with you, not in this life."

She stated, and I sighed, pulling her closer to my chest. "No. I won't force you. I want to correct everything, to punish myself for what I have done. I will bear whatever punishment you choose to give me, but not by letting you go, Yana."

"But that's the only thing I want, Ardhansh..."

My phone beeped, and I glanced at it to see Akhil's message.

As expected, in just two minutes, the lights went off, leaving the whole city at the mercy of the moon shining in the dark sky and under the blanket of stars.

I pushed her forward, encircled my arms around her waist, rested my chin on her shoulder, and listened to her breathing.

"What do you see, Jaan?" I asked, inhaling the scent of her hair. She stood there frozen, staring at the beautiful view before her eyes.

"That darkness resides within me, and the only light surpassing it is you, just like that beautiful moon," I confessed and heard her sigh.

"Your thoughts change like lightning, Ardhansh. Now I am a moon to you. In two minutes, I will be resting under you, and you won't hesitate to treat me like a whore. How should I believe that you won't do the same?"

I pressed my bleeding palm against her belly, hearing the thorny truth, feeling speechless yet opening my mouth.

"I swear, Jaan, I won't do that. I truly love you. No matter how much of a bastard I can be, the thought of letting you go scares me," I whispered, lifting her chin to look at me.

She didn't say anything for a few minutes, but after a brief silence, she whispered, still not meeting my gaze.

"I thought you would keep your word and let me go after getting your sister... But it's my foolishness to believe that Ardhansh Singhaniya wouldn't break his promises."

I sighed, kissing her shoulder, and whispered, "For the first time, I am willing to break my promise, Jaan. I want to put everything in its place, and why not start today? Let's wipe out the past bit by bit and start afresh."

"Sir..." I heard Justin's voice, and a smile adorned my lips. I swiftly turned her around, and my eyes landed on the old man bending at his feet, his mouth tied with tape.

I glanced at her to see her looking at him with wide eyes and whispered in her ear, "Shall we start?"

"What... What do you mean, Ardhansh?" she stuttered, and a smirk crossed my lips.

I held her fragile palm and kissed it, signaling Justin to remove the tape from her father's mouth.

"Leave her, you bastard!" he yelled, and I rolled my eyes in irritation. Who does he think he is?

Grave (Ashes sequel) #2|18+  (LL Series) ✓Where stories live. Discover now