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Taehyung came back to Redmoon and directly went to his room, just when he opened the bedroom door his tata heart melted at the adorable sight.

When he saw his babies sleeping peacefully hugging eachother, Guggie was securing his baby sister in his tiny arms, the little fluff ball was clinging to his brother like her life depends on him, with a little smile on his face taetae approached them, but his heart ached when he saw dried tears on his little princess's bread cheeks.

His mother heart shattered he instantly leaned closer and was about to pick her up but a strong arm pulled him away and pinned him against the wall.

"K-kook," Taehyung stuttered, his voice barely audible. Jungkook's eyes blazed with a fierce anger, his pupils constricted into dark, burning holes that seemed to bore into Taehyung's very soul.

"What's the time, Taehyung?" Jungkook's low, husky voice demanded, his tone laced with a quiet fury."Why are there tears on my princess's face?"

Taehyung's heart raced as he tried to explain, but Jungkook's grip only tightened, his eyes never leaving Taehyung's face.

"J-jungkook l-listen t-to me."

"What should I listen huh? My princess slept hungry for the first time I felt this helpless that I couldn't fulfil my little munchkin's need, didn't I told you to comeback before sunset huh?" His grip got tighter around Taehyung's waist.

Who was sobbing silently,

"What was so emergency that you had to go there? When you know that she can't drink any other's milk, you could've atleast prepare a bottle for her." He yelled.

"M-mom forcefully took m-me--."


Taehyung flinched, tears were rolling down his cheeks. His tiny frame was trembling in Jungkook's strong embrace.

He knew that Jungkook never yelled at him unless there is something very serious, and here It was the matter of his daughter.

"You left her alone with a maid, she was crying and was about to fall Thank God I came on time, I did the worst to that maid and now tell me what punishment should I give to you." He gritted his teeth leaning deadly closer to his face.

"S-sorry." He said hiccuping.

Jungkook punched the wall and pulled away in frustration.

"Oh God give me patience." He clenched his fists and left the room before he could lose his control.

Taehyung wiped his tears and take off his jewellery in anger, how badly he wanted to share with his husband how jackson tried to harass him he was still afraid when he stepped into his Kingdom, all he wanted to hug his Alpha and wanted his comfort but destiny planned something else for him. Instead of getting the welcoming Jungkook he met with the furious one, one thing about him that he never hide anything from Jungkook.

But now he was angry on his Alpha so he decided that he will no talk to him. Even though it was totally his mistake but still he was used to the princess treatement from Jungkook, Jungkook built this ego inside him by pampering him.

"I hate you." He said wobbling his cute cherry lips and went to change his clothes.

After wearing his pajamas he joined his babies on the bed and slowly took kimchi in his arms closer to his exposed chest.

Feeling her mother's warm embrace she instantly latched on his nipple and started filling her tiny tummy in sleep.

Taetae smiled and pecked her cute nose. He then leaned to his adorable son and pecked all over his face. While tears brimming in his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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