Unnoticed Glances

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Part 1

"Aami, look at the time, it's almost 8:25! We need to be there by 8:30, and you-" The girl in the blue hoodie started to scold her best friend urgently.

"Come on, YN, we still have 15 minutes. Why do we need to reach there at 8:30?"
her best friend asked her annoyingly

"Aami... you know the reason."
with the mix of frustration and a hint of longing she said.

"Yeah, you'll never confess, and that guy will never notice. Yet you want to watch his practice session and drool over him, huh?"

YN sighs softly, a hint of resignation in her voice. "It's not just about drooling over him, Aami. Watching him perform is... inspiring. It's like he lives in a different world, effortlessly confident and talented. I just... like being near that energy, even if he doesn't know I exist.
Aami, please understand. I just... want to see him, even if it's just from a distance. Maybe today will be different, you know"

Aami rolls her eyes playfully, shaking her head at YN's heartfelt explanation. "You're hopeless, YN. Completely starstruck. But hey, if watching him from afar makes you happy, who am I to stop you? Just don't forget about the real world while you're daydreaming about Mr. Perfect over there."

"Hmm...Krissy will be there right?"
She asked to Aami

"Yeah her boyfriend is also your Mr Perfect's teammate and bestfriend"
She smiled.

"Ha..ha come on let's go...."
YN pulled Aami's hand ran to University

Time passed:-

YN settled into her seat in the basketball stadium's hall, anticipation tingling in the air.
She is waiting for him....

"YN.....dear why are you waiting for him...."
Krissy came to her and asked....

With a reflective tone, she said...
"I just... want to see him play, you know? It's... comforting in a way."

"YN come on dear....I wish he noticed you....."
Krissy said with a smile

A pang of mixed emotions flickered across YN's face as she replied softly, "I wish too, Krissy. But sometimes it feels like he lives in a different world."

Someone laughed at her
"Oh my dear YN....."
Park Jimin, the university's heartthrob, had eyes for only one girl-his beloved Krissy. As he approached them in his basketball uniform, a soft smile graced his handsome features.

"Jimina" Krissy hugged him....

"Hey my love"after a soft hugging their attention approached her.

Jimin looked at her playful glint in his eyes as he teased YN. "You know, YN, you're not exactly subtle with those heart-eyed glances at Taehyung."

YN's cheeks turned crimson as she tried to brush off Jimin's comment. "Oh, come on, Jimin. I'm just... appreciating his talents from afar."

Jimin chuckled knowingly. "Sure, sure. Just don't forget to breathe when he walks by, okay?"

YN rolled her eyes, but a smile tugged at her lips. "Thanks for the reminder, Captain Obvious."

Jimin grinned and gave her a friendly nudge. "Anytime, YN. Anytime."

They were laughing and talking that's when HE entered.....

As Taehyung entered the scene, the atmosphere seemed to shift subtly. His presence alone commanded attention, drawing eyes towards him effortlessly. Dressed in his basketball gear, he exuded a casual confidence that mirrored his skill on the court. A faint smile played on his lips as he greeted Jimin and moved to the stadium hall unaware of the admiration and anticipation that followed his every move.

As YN caught sight of Taehyung entering the room, her heart skipped a beat. He moved with an easy grace that always mesmerized her, his basketball uniform accentuating his athletic frame. A soft warmth spread through her chest as she watched him greet Jimin, his smile lighting up the room. Despite her best efforts to stay composed, she couldn't help but feel a rush of nervous excitement at being in his presence.

Jimin and Krissy exchanged knowing glances as they observed YN's reaction to Taehyung's entrance. Krissy nudged Jimin playfully, a teasing smile on her lips.

"Well, looks like someone's heart just skipped a beat," she whispered with a wink.

Jimin chuckled softly, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, YN definitely has it bad for Taehyung. It's kind of adorable, don't you think?"

Krissy grinned, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Totally. Should we give her a little nudge?"

Jimin considered for a moment before shaking his head. "Let's wait and see if fate decides to intervene first."

They continued to watch YN, amused by her subtle reactions to Taehyung's presence, knowing that their friend was secretly yearning for something more.......

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