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Akira's POV

"Oh btw Hansol-ah, seungkwan-ah Aki and Sera are the same age as you both. And Yoona is the same age as Dino. While Aein is a year younger than Yoona and Dino. am I, right little devil?" "Hm you are but stop calling me that in front of everyone!" I warned wonu oppa. "Why would I?!" He said teasing me.

"Yah, wonu-ya stop teasing her this much!" Shua oppa said. "Right wonu hyung stop teasing her so much!" Mingyu added chuckling. "See someone is taking your side mhmhh!" Aein whispered in my ear. "Shut up!" I whispered yelled back trying not to blush at her statement.

"Oh btw settle down Vernon will put on the movie". Cheol oppa said. So we settled down where we got space. "You go sit beside your men!" I teased Yoona and Sera, making Aein chuckled. "No you both are not leaving both of us alone please!" Sera pleaded.

"Btw who don't usually watch horror movies from you four or is scared to do so?" Vernon just casually enquired. "Well that doesn't apply for Aki and me, we both enjoy watching horror movies, however Yoona and Sera are- ahh" Aein got her sentence cutted off in middle by a smack from Sera.

"Yes, these two get scared easily while watching horror movies!" I said and hurriedly settle down besides my brother in order to avoid getting smack by Sera.

"You traitor!" Yoona mouthed me. Resulting in me smiling innocently at her. As Aein sat beside me, leaving Sera and Yoona with no other option than to sit between cheol oppa and shua oppa.

They both gave us 'we-will-kill-you-after-this' look. We just controlled our laugh. Suddenly Vernon called Wonwoo oppa so he went to help Vernon out. And just then Mingyu came sitting right besides me where wonu oppa was sitting. Making Sera and Yoona smirk at me giving me ' servers-you-right-bij' look. While Aein almost laughing loudly but she controlled herself.

"Akiya turn off the lights!" Wonu oppa said. "Yea!" I replied and was about to get up but "wait I'll do it!" Aein suddenly said stopping me and giving me a mischievous smile. 'Aish this brat' I thought. She turned off the lights and settled down too.

As the movie started, everything was ok everyone were immersed in the movie until jumpscare started making the scared to watch horror movie people scared.

Hoshi was almost hugging the8, seungkwan was also clinging to Vernon, Sera and seungcheol too were almost about to hug eachother however they only held hands of each other, making Sera forget about the movie and get nervous. Whereas Yoona was also clinging to Joshua's arm like a kid. While mingyu was also almost hugging me resulting in me to get nervous and clenching my other hand on Aein's hand. Who saw the whole scene and was trying her best not to laugh, but that didn't last long as Dokyeom suddenly clinged on her arm. Now the tables have turned, i was the one trying not to laugh at Aein's shocked expression which I found funny.

The movie ended after sometime resulting in Jun to get up turning the lights on. Everyone was still in the same positions "Oh look at these all scardy cats!" Jun said laughing. While everyone glanced around the room. "Aigo look at our dokyeomie!" Jeonghan said that's when Sera and Yoona looked at Aein who was still as a statue resulting in the both of them burst out laughing. As it was new Aein never let any guy come this close to her.

"Look at cheol oppa, hoshi oppa and seungkwanie too" I said laughing at the three men. "Ayoo look at our brave Yoona too!" Aein spoke while making everyone laugh looking at her. "Then there is Mingyu too" Myungho oppa said making me realise he was still hugging me.

"Ah Myungho!" Mingyu whined almost buring his head in my neck making my heart go crazy until " Yah you punk, Kim Mingyu get your hands off my little sister!" Wonu oppa jokingly warned, however my overthinking got the best of me, making me scared that he won't allow me dating his best friend.

"Aigoo hyung I'm not stealing her away!" "Still no touching!" "Oppa can you calm down? Your acting like you don't know him and he have bad intentions" I casually said trying to act like I don't care. "Right wonu-ya! You know Mingyu can never take advantage of any girl!" Jeonghanie oppa said. Making wonu oppa just look at Mingyu and me as if analysing our expression.

"It's ok now! Let's eat dinner since our order is here!" Cheol oppa said. "Oh I'm hungry too hyung!" Dino cutely said making everyone chuckled.

" Wait I'll heat up the food!" I exclaimed getting up from my place.

"I'll help too!" Wonu oppa and Mingyu said at the same time.

"O-ok ig let's go" I awkwardly said. With that the three of us went to the kitchen heating up the food talking about random things. But what surprised me was how wonu oppa and Mingyu were being casual. Like just now wonu oppa looked like he was almost ready to throw hands at mingyu and now.

"I'll set the plates on dinning table" I said. "Ok!" Wonu oppa replied with a smile.

After setting the table I called everyone. "Woah wonu-ya you ordered alot of food!" Jun oppa exclaimed. "Yea knowing how we all eat definitely it's more than enough". Cheol oppa sarcasticly said. Making everyone laugh at his statement.
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And stream 'THIS MAN'

And stream 'THIS MAN'

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my brother's best friend! Mingyu FF ✓Where stories live. Discover now