# Chapter One: The New Student

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The halls of Crescent High School buzzed with the familiar hum of chattering students and echoing footsteps. It was the start of another academic year, and the excitement was palpable. New faces mixed with old as friends reunited and classes began anew. Amid the hustle and bustle, a lone figure moved with an air of quiet confidence, drawing curious glances and whispers from those he passed.

You had just transferred to Crescent High, and although you didn't know anyone yet, you felt a sense of anticipation. Your h/c hair fell in soft waves over your forehead, and your sharp e/c eyes seemed to pierce through the chaos around you. You were tall, with a lean build, and there was something about your demeanor that made people stop and take notice.

As you navigated the crowded corridors, you finally found your way to the student council office. You had been told to report there for orientation and to pick up your schedule. You knocked on the door, hearing a muffled "Come in" from the other side.

Pushing the door open, you stepped inside. The room was spacious, lined with bookshelves and decorated with posters of school events. At the center, a large wooden desk held a neat stack of papers, a laptop, and various office supplies. Behind the desk sat a young man with strikingly handsome features and an aura of authority.

"Good morning. You must be M/N," the young man said, his voice smooth and welcoming. "I'm Adrian, the student council president. Please, have a seat."

You nodded and took a seat across from Adrian. The president's dark, intense eyes never left your face, and for a moment, you felt as though you were being studied.

"Welcome to Crescent High," Adrian continued, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "I trust you'll find everything to your liking here. We're a close-knit community, and the student council is always here to help."

You offered a polite smile. "Thank you. I'm looking forward to it."

As you spoke, you couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more to Adrian's gaze—something almost possessive. You dismissed the thought as nerves and focused on the conversation.

After a few minutes, the door opened again, and two more members of the student council entered. One was a tall, athletic young man with sandy blond hair and a mischievous grin. The other was shorter, with raven-black hair and an air of quiet intensity.

"Ah, perfect timing," Adrian said, motioning for them to join. "M/N, these are two of our council members—Ethan and Alex."

Ethan extended a hand, his grip firm and warm. "Nice to meet you, M/N. Hope you’re ready for an exciting year."

Alex simply nodded, his eyes flicking briefly to Adrian before settling on you. "Welcome," he said, his voice low and steady.

As the introductions continued, you noticed that both Ethan and Alex seemed unusually attentive. Their gazes lingered just a bit too long, their smiles a touch too warm. It was as though they were assessing you, much like Adrian had earlier.

Despite the odd feeling, you pushed it aside. You had always been good at making friends, and you were determined to make the best of your time at Crescent High. The student council seemed friendly enough, even if their attentiveness was a bit intense.

The rest of the day passed in a blur of new classes, meeting teachers, and trying to navigate the labyrinthine corridors of the school. By the time the final bell rang, you were exhausted but pleased. You had made it through your first day and even managed to get a few smiles and friendly nods from your classmates.

As you packed your bag, you noticed Ethan waiting by the door of your last class. "Hey, M/N! Wanna grab a drink or something? There's a great café just off campus."

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