# Chapter Three: Unspoken Rivalry

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The atmosphere in the student council office had grown increasingly tense, though none of the members directly addressed the underlying emotions. Adrian, Ethan, Alex, Takumi, Hana, and Kaito worked diligently on planning the fundraiser and organizing various school activities, but a subtle competition for your attention simmered beneath the surface.

One afternoon, after another productive but strained meeting, you decided to unwind by attending basketball practice. The gym was alive with the sound of sneakers squeaking on the polished floor and the rhythmic thud of basketballs hitting the ground. Haruki, the team captain, welcomed you warmly as you joined the drills.

During breaks, you found yourself engaging more with Haruki and the other team members. You laughed at their jokes, exchanged playful banter, and occasionally even flirted a little, though you pretended not to notice the subtle reactions from some of them.

Haruki, in particular, seemed to enjoy your company. He would grin at your jokes, offer you tips on improving your game, and find excuses to linger near you during practice. His attention did not go unnoticed by the student council members, who watched from the sidelines with varying degrees of masked interest.

Ethan, usually the most outgoing of the bunch, became quieter during these practices. He would watch you and Haruki interact with a guarded expression, occasionally shooting glances in your direction when he thought no one was looking. Alex, on the other hand, maintained his composed demeanor but would sometimes clench his fists subtly when he observed your interactions.

Takumi, Hana, and Kaito remained more reserved, focusing on their tasks and avoiding overt displays of emotion. However, Takumi's gaze would occasionally linger on you a moment longer than necessary, and Hana's playful demeanor seemed to falter when she witnessed you laughing with Haruki.

As the weeks passed, you noticed a shift in dynamics. Haruki and some of the other basketball team members began to seek you out more often between classes and during breaks. They invited you to hang out after practice, offered to help with your studies, and even suggested going out for meals together. Each invitation was met with a polite acceptance, though you remained oblivious to the underlying motives.

Meanwhile, during student council meetings, the tension continued to simmer. Adrian would assert his leadership more forcefully, Ethan's jokes became more forced, and Alex's gaze would often flicker between you and his notes with a conflicted expression. Takumi maintained his composed facade, but his occasional furrowed brow betrayed his thoughts.

One evening, after a particularly intense practice session, Haruki approached you as you were leaving the gym.

"Hey, M/N, want to grab something to eat?" he asked casually, flashing you a charming smile.

You hesitated, aware of the unspoken dynamics within the student council. "Actually, I promised Ethan I'd help him with something. Maybe another time?"

Haruki's smile faltered slightly, but he nodded understandingly. "Sure, another time then. Take care."

As you walked away, you couldn't help but notice the curious glances exchanged between Haruki and Ethan, who was waiting nearby. Ethan's expression was inscrutable as he watched you leave with a slight furrow in his brow.

The following day, during lunch break, you found yourself chatting with another basketball team member, Kota. He was friendly and outgoing, and you enjoyed his company. As you laughed at one of his jokes, you caught sight of Ethan watching from across the courtyard. His jaw tensed slightly before he looked away, a conflicted expression clouding his features.

Later that week, you encountered Alex after school. He greeted you with his usual calm demeanor, but there was a hint of tension in the air. As you discussed upcoming student council tasks, you noticed his eyes flicker towards Haruki and the basketball team members who passed by in the distance.

Despite the unspoken tension, you continued to navigate the delicate balance between the student council and the basketball team. Your interactions with both groups remained friendly and respectful, though you couldn't deny the thrill of provoking the subtle competition among the student council members.

As time went on, some of the basketball team members did indeed develop genuine feelings for you, drawn in by your charisma and genuine interest in their lives. However, none of them openly discussed their emotions, aware of the unspoken rules and the delicate balance of relationships within both groups.

Meanwhile, the student council continued to work together on school projects, each member silently grappling with their emotions and the unspoken rivalry for your attention. The fundraiser approached, looming as both a challenge and an opportunity to test the strength of their bonds amidst the underlying jealousy.

☾Here is a description on how Hana and Kaito looks☽

**Hana (male):**
Hana is a member of the student council with a striking appearance that commands attention. He has short, vibrant red hair that adds a splash of color to his otherwise traditional school uniform. His eyes are a deep, thoughtful shade of green, often sparkling with mischief or determination depending on the situation. Hana has a slender build but possesses a surprising strength that is evident in his confident posture and graceful movements.

He has a mischievous smile that seems to hint at a playful nature, and his expressions are often animated, reflecting his outgoing personality. Despite his energetic demeanor, Hana also has a keen sense of responsibility when it comes to his role as the event coordinator of the student council. He can switch effortlessly between lighthearted banter with his peers and serious discussions about school activities.

Kaito, the vice president of the student council, presents a contrasting image to Hana with his calm and composed demeanor. He is tall and lean, with dark hair that falls neatly across his forehead, framing his sharp features. His eyes are a deep shade of brown, often observing quietly from behind glasses that lend him an air of intelligence and sophistication.

Kaito's presence exudes a quiet authority, and he carries himself with a natural grace that commands respect. He is known for his thoughtful insights and meticulous attention to detail, which make him an invaluable asset to the student council's planning and decision-making processes. Despite his reserved nature, Kaito's loyalty and dedication to his duties are unwavering, earning him the admiration and trust of his peers.

Together, Hana and Kaito complement each other within the student council, balancing Hana's vibrant energy with Kaito's calm rationality to ensure the smooth operation of their team's endeavors.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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