Love, hate😇 part 4

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Abhineet side:
Abhi was driving his car and neet was sitting silently.
A: so how was your day?
N: good! What about you bhai.
A: lieing to me huh!
N: no bhai ! Why would I lie 🤥.
A: neetu I can tell just my your voice that you are lieing to me! Now tell me fast.
N: it's not like that bhai. Nothing happened ! Pls trust me.
A:( in mind) I know neet that you're lieing to me but if you are not comfortable in telling. I won't force you ( sigh)
A: ok if you say so.
N : now you tell me how was your day.
A: mine was great.
A: ( nervous) I....I o... of course! Of course I did! It's not like I got too many cases and I forgot to eat.
N:( sweetly) bhaiiiiii your acting is so bad ( shout) SO STOP YOUR DRAMA!( angry😤) now I will not talk with you.
A: neetu i'm sorry princess! ( neet ignored him) Bhaiya  is sorry baby ! Pls talk with me na i won't do this again I promise.
N:( sigh) ok I forgive you but not from next time.ok!
A: thank you my Lord!
N:( giggle) bhai you still can't lie right.your like this from childhood.
A: ( fake angry) stop laughing at me.
N: bhaiya it's a giggle not a laugh. ( laughed)
A: and what are you doing now!
N: laughing 😂🤣😅.
(And both of them started laughing )
Sid side :
Sid just stopped his car on the gate and went inside.
S: hi mom!
SM : hey baby! How was your day!
S: great you tell?
SM: mine was also good!
S: ok by mom I just come to meet you!
SM : where are you going?
S: i,m going to prepare for my date!
SM: with who.
S: i,ll tell you after I come. Ok
SM: ok by
S: adios te amo emmo.
SM: wow another name.
S: yes ok by now.
SM: hm by
And Sid left from there.
Vaishu side :
Vaishu got out of her car and immediately went inside.
V:( while going inside) park the car.
Servant: yes mam!
(Vaishu came inside and asked a maid.)
V: where is dad?
Maid : in his home office room but you should not go to his room mam .sir said not to disturb him until he finishes his work.
V: I asked you !where is dad so just tell me what I asked! don't tell me what to do and Learn to stay in your limits poor bitch ! Now leave from here.
(Maid left from there looking down and vaishu went to her dad's office room. )
Vaish entered her father's room!
V: dad! I want to tell you something. ( hurriedly)
VD: what is it princess ( still focused on his work)
V: ( irritated) dad look at me! I,m talking with you.
VD:( looked at her with a done face) I know it's another  complaint right!
V: yes!
VD: it is about driver?
V: no.
VD: ok so any maid ?
V: no dad!
VD: ahhh is it about college principal!
V: noooo dad!
VD: then who is it ! Tell me by urself.
V: A fucking middle class bastard dad!
VD: um who again!!!
V: dadddddd really! ok so listen ( telling him the whole story) and when I said : you know who my father is! That fucking bastard said : I don't care, who your father is! Apologize or come to jail with me.
VD: ( interested in the story) than what happened?
V: then blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah..........!
VD: oh so he is a police officer hm.
V: yes and dad you have to punish him for me. You can tell the principal to rusticate his sister or make him jobless! Do whatever you can do, ok by dad! love you❤
VD: hm love you but where are you going.
V: date!!! ( and run away immediately)
VD: hm date ok by..... WHAT A DATE!!!!hey vaishu come back right now. God this girl!
(Her dad called her but she left already)
VD: umm so now I have to find out about this police officer. He is perfect for vaishu . Only he have qualities to be my SON- IN- LAW now. Finally I found a perfect boy for my princess . ( shout) mansi!!!
Mansi his PA :
M: yes sir.
VD: find out which police officers sister studies in vaishu,s college.i want the details today only.
M: ok sir.
Vaishu and sid went on a date. Avneet at her house with abhi.
evening time :-
M: sir I got the details.
VD: hm tell.
M: name: Abhishek nigam
      Age: 25
      Parents/siblings: parents none means he's orphan, sibling only one ( avneet kaur nandra .she is not his real sister but live like real siblings)
    Job: police officer. And here is his photo sir!

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