Chapter 5

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They were chit chatting when Ranveer steps down and saw Sarika and he was done for his life.
Ranveer pov
Today I came early from office as per my dadi order and worked in my study and in sometime it's going to be dinner so going out I was checking my phone when my eye decided to stuck on one person wearing white anarkali and her face without any makeup and those black long waist length hairs oh God I am gone today I never feel attracted towards anyone but don't know why towards her she is rude to me but still she is a beauty and her smile how beautiful. someone cleared throat and I turned to my side to see my one and only dadi smirking at me and I embarassed myself in front of her. I saw Mihir and Tejaswi calling me I march towards them and sat on the sofa and Tanya said "hii sir" and I nodded and miss chidchidi she just ignored me like I don't exist and I heard a voice.

Authors pov"hii everyone" voice came from entrance and everyone turned their head towards the main door that is none other than Shanaya wearing a blue one piece coming inside she greeted everyone and came to Ranveer and hugged him saying "hii Ranv...

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Authors pov
"hii everyone" voice came from entrance and everyone turned their head towards the main door that is none other than Shanaya wearing a blue one piece coming inside she greeted everyone and came to Ranveer and hugged him saying "hii Ranveer"he knows Shanaya from childhood and about her feeling so he keep distance from her but shanaya always sticks to him seeing this Sarika as she is a very good observer she said to Tanya "Laila" Tanya just smile ranveer eyes goes to her and saw her smirking at him and he thoughts now what she is thinking and steps back from shanaya and Shanaya ask "who are you never saw you here?" Mihir said"these are are colleagues from office"and then she nodded and started showing of telling to Ranveer who was least interested in her and her talks and then Shanaya said to Sarika "what do you do like your profession"sarika replied "I am an IAS officer posted here"then Shanaya said"not so big deal then why this attitude like so straight"Sarika said in her mind so that I can smash your head but choose to keep quiet and smiled at her but Taniya got angry and in flow she said "she is not just IAS officer but she is the...."but Sarika stop her touching her. But somewhere Tanya statement left everyone present there in daze. Then the mens of the house entered and all the youngsters greeted them and in return they patted Sarika and tanya's head lovingly and smiled at them and everyone was shocked because they don't show their emotions to anyone after sometime Amrita said "dinner is ready keep talking after that" and they all proceed towards the dining table Ranveer on head chair his father in front his mother on father side then chachu Chachi Mihir along with Tanya and then tejasvi and now there were two seats left from Ranveer right and Shanaya was going to sit on the right side of Ranveer but before her Sarika sits on it and was controlling her smile because she was enjoying the condition of shanaya and said "come!why are you standing there? your name... actually I forgot it" Shanaya felt embarrassed because no one has ever said that to her that's why she is so over confident and full of herself and gritting her teeth sits next to Sarika .Sarika saw tejasvi Mihir Seeing her with open mouth and Tanya was normal cause she understood everything. Sarika sad pointing towards their mouth "muh band kar lo makkhi ghus jayegi"(close your mouth otherwise fly will enter)indicating Shanaya and Ranveer actually chocked on his food because he was behaving that he was not not listening but when she said to Shanaya he literally forgot to breathe and started coughing Seeing his conditions sarika smiled devilishly and said "oh shit how careless you are Mr Rathore please take care you have responsibility of whole Udaipur"he nodded understanding the meaning of  her previous smirk everyone was noticing this but decided to shut up and enjoy the show because for the first time they saw Ranveer Singh Rathore doesn't have answer. Dadi speaks to lighten the situation "beta where is your family"listening this Sarika smile faded away which was noticed by ranveer she said"family....actually we are from UP our parents are siblings and we are working here that why we are here" dadi said"ooh! Independent and loyal officer are rare to be fine"sarika said "but your grandson said to me that he has his own ways and he is the king here"dadi replied"he is stupid don't mind him"and sarika looked at ranveer who was already looking at her and rolled her eyes at him.
Everyone was done with dinner when Tejaswi said let's play games but older clan denied and departed to their rooms she again said"okay we all will play let's go to garden" they all proceed towards the garden and sat there in circle Sarika and Mihir were sitting together and Shanaya was sitting beside Ranveer Mihir said "let's play truth and dare"everyone chirped happily but our leads just nodded.they started playing and till now sarika and mihir developed a relationship but someone was jealous without himself knowing the reason.
The bottle stops at tejaswi who choosed truth and Taniya asked her "any boyfriend"and ranveer and mihir snaps at tejasvi and she quickly said "no not at all" again bottle spin and stop at Tanya and she said "I'll take truth"and sarika asked her"what do you love the most about mihir"and everyone snap at her and she said "what just a question he is her boss.... so answer me"Ranveer saw her teasing everyone and without anyone knowing and smile at her childish behaviour which is opposite of what she shows Tanya said glaring at Sarika "he is a genuine person with a gentle heart and any girl would be lucky to have him"and she again said "what about you" and now Mihir and Tanya both were shocked and work blushing and before she could say anything Sarika phone went off she looks at Tanya who said "aunty"she replied hmm and pick the call moving a distance from them meanwhile tejasvi Asked Tanya "what happened" Tanya said "it's nothing just her bracelet which is given by me to her is missing so she is just restless without it so asking the house help if she saw it during the cleaning"meanwhile Sarika comes back Tanya looks at her she said "no she didn't so it I told Manish to track the location of it as it has a sensor"listening this Ranveer internally smiled because when he founded he already took out the sensor from the bracelet. He himself don't know why he is keeping her since but keeping them is making him happy. They all again started playing and this time the bottle stopped at Sarika and she said "dare"Mihir said "call any person who proposed you and propose him" Tanya said "agar aisa kara to kal rishta lekar jaenge"
(If she did it then tomorrow the people will be coming with the alliance for her) Sarika said "no I won't do it I can't play with anyone feeling" listening this a genuine smile formed on ranveer face than mihir said "okay but you have to take the punishment"Sarika nodded then he said "you have to give me one of your precious things"and Sarika smile and said "easy but it's not a thing and also you will have to take care of it" mihir said "but what it is" everyone attention was at Sarika and she said "heart" and leaned to his ear and again said "of my sister so keep it and cherish it* and mihir was looking at
her in shock and awe and said"I love you yaar you are the best your husband would be lucky man I must say"then everyone asked what heart so to cover up she said "my pillow it's precious" everyone nodded but Ranveer was glaring at Mihir and he don't know why his brother is seeing him with ready to kill eyes look.

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