yēe sìp hòk

201 11 1

Lisa stared at the thing she had been dreading since the past few days—school. She let out a loud sigh as she looked around the surrounding. She couldn't sleep properly yesterday because her mind was full of worries.

How will the two girls react when they see me?

Am I going to be bullied like Hanbin?

Will A-seo and Ye-ha be accepting to me like Si-yu was, once I tell them about my scholarship?

Should I really hand over the pics?

Will I get over Jennie?

Will I be able to see her as only a friend?

These thoughts played on her mind repeatedly. She let out a loud sigh as she made her way towards the school's building. It was going to be a long day for her.

A car stopped behind her and the driver quickly ran to open the door. Jisoo stepped out of the car as she ran her fingers through her hair.

"Have a nice day, Sooya." The driver wished as he shut the door behind Jisoo.

"You too, ajusshi." She replied with a smile and slung her backpack over her shoulder.

As she turned towards the school building, she noticed a familiar back. Lisa was too easy to spot even from her back view. Her face wasn't the only thing that made her eye catching. With her tall and slim figure, she stood out from the crowd all the time.

Jisoo creased her eyebrows as she noticed the bandage that was wrapped around the girl's knee. She walked a little faster to catch up with her. She tapped her shoulder without saying anything which made her jump. Lisa turned around with her hands raised, tightened to a fist.

"Whoa! Whoa! It's me." Jisoo said, surprised to see Lisa turn around in a fighting stance.

Lisa let out the breath she was holding as she placed her hand over her heart.

"Yaah! You nearly scared me to death." Lisa tried to calm down her heart.

"You got scared? I nearly screamed when you turned around in that wwe position." Jisoo squeaked as she straightened her posture.

Lisa didn't reply as she clutched her bag strap.

"Is that how you greet people? No wonder I used to think you were weird."

That earned Jisoo a glare from Lisa. She took a few steps back as she smiled.

"I said used to. I don't think of you like that anymore."

Lisa let out a loud sigh before starting to walk away. She had a lot in her head right now. She didn't want to add anything or anyone more.

As Jisoo watched her walk away, she hung her head slightly to the side. Is she angry, she thought to herself.

"I thought we were friendly now." She said out loud.

"What are you doing standing here?" Someone interrupted her.

Jisoo turned towards the voice and smiled at Chaeyoung. They hugged each other.

"What were you staring at?" Chaeyoung asked as she looked at the direction Jisoo was staring.

"Oh! That's Lalisa, right?" She exclaimed as she patted Jisoo, pointing at her.

"Don't point it's rude and yes, it's Lisa." Jisoo replied.

"Wasn't she like absent for past few days?" Chaeyoung said.

"How do you know that?"

"Well, Ye-ha has been walking to cafeteria alone so...."

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