04 | Tender Touches

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Both of us were standing in the rain, hugging each other, drenched

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Both of us were standing in the rain, hugging each other, drenched. After what felt like heaven, we reluctantly pulled away because if we stayed any longer, we might end up getting very sick.

"Come upstairs and get changed. It'll take you some time to reach home, and staying wet that long will definitely make you sick," I said, looking at him.

"Don't you think it's inappropriate to call a man to your place at night?" he repeated my exact words from yesterday's phone call.

"Someone told me it's fine as long as that man is your fiancé," I said with a playful smile. He simply laughed in response.

We took the elevator. Being with him in such a small space, all wet, especially after that sizzling hug, made my stomach flutter. My breathing was erratic from our close proximity. Soon, the elevator reached my floor, and we got out.

I took out the key from my sling bag while Adhi leaned against the door, watching me.

"Why are you looking at me?" I asked, stuttering, avoiding eye contact while unlocking the door.

"What else should I do when a beautiful woman is standing in front of me, especially when she's my fiancée? It isn't wrong to admire beauty, right?" he said, making my cheeks flush red.

"Shut up!" I said, unable to handle his flirty talk.

I opened the door and welcomed him inside. Only then did I notice the mess I had made in my living room. I had put my clothes on the sofa to dry, including my undergarments. Haiyoo! Kadavule!

(Oh God!)

I immediately gathered all the clothes scattered on the sofa and dumped them on the single chair.

"I had kept them here for drying," I said, scratching the back of my neck.

He chuckled. "Relax, it's fine. Most bachelor houses are like this," he said with a calming smile.

"Let me check if there are any clothes for you," I said and started towards my room.

"I only need pants. You already bought me a shirt earlier today. I'll wear that," he said, stopping me by holding my elbow.

His touch sent shivers down my spine. I'm just a simple woman with a weak heart that starts racing at the slightest touch.

I nodded and went to my room to check for some pants. Thank God I had unisex track pants. I took them from my cupboard along with a towel and went back to the living room.

He was standing there, looking at my photos on the TV table. There were pictures of my childhood, my parents, and some recent photos taken here in London.

"Change your clothes soon, otherwise you might fall sick," I said, handing him the clothes.

"You looked really cute in your childhood picture," he said, turning towards me.

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