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The excitement crackled in the air, Today was Taehyung's graduation day, the culmination of years of blood, sweat, and countless cups of coffee.

He'd aced his MBBS degree, bagging the coveted first rank. But amidst the sea of proud faces and celebratory chatter, a dull ache gnawed at Taehyung's heart.

Taehyung glanced at the empty seat beside him, reserved for guests, Glancing around the sea of proud faces, his gaze searched for the one person he desperately wished to share this moment with – Jungkook.

Jungkook, his senior and now, something more, had promised to be there. They'd dreamt of this day together, envisioned Jungkook cheering the loudest from the audience, a proud smile decorating his face. But the clock ticked relentlessly, each passing minute increasing Taehyung's anxiety.

Had something come up? Was work more important than celebrating this milestone? He felt A wave of anger burning in his mind

Had something come up? Was work more important than celebrating this milestone? He felt A wave of anger burning in his mind

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"Kim Taehyung!" The announcer said on the mic, pulling his attention back to the stage. He gritted his teeth, willing the anger to subside.

As he rose from his seat, the crisp fabric of the graduation gown swished around him. He straightened his shoulders, determined not to let his disappointment show. Every step towards the stage felt heavy, each beat of his heart a drumbeat of conflicting emotions

Suddenly, the announcer said "And to present this award to our star student, we welcome none other than the CEO of Jeon Group of Companies, Mr. JEON JUNGKOOK!"

Taehyung froze on his way, his jaw nearly hit the floor. His eyes darted towards the entrance, searching for his love.

A collective gasp rippled through the crowd, and then there he was – Jungkook standing on the stage with a bunny smile on his face. 

He looked every bit the successful CEO

A sheepish grin spread across Jungkook's face as he met Taehyung's wide-eyed stare. 

He raised a hand in a thumbs up lookin at taehyung, a silent apology echoing in his eyes. The crowd erupted in cheers and applause, the surprise evident on everyone's faces.

 The crowd erupted in cheers and applause, the surprise evident on everyone's faces

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