P A R T : T H I R T Y - T W O

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Viv's POV:
Viv drops a plate of warm pancakes infront of YN giving a smile when she notices the whipped cream and M&M's Viv had placed oh so carefully.

"Thank you mum!" YN cheered, giving a grin as she took a big bite, noticing that Viv was watching for her reaction YN gave her a thumbs up.

"No problem little one. Beth another pancake?" Viv smiled out holding the empty pan up.

"I've already had enough- I don't know how you both are still going." Beth hummed out pushing her plate forward, Viv let out a small laugh and sat down noticing the empty plate infront of YN aswell. The morning had been spent in eachothers presence. It felt wrong to break it by stepping away.

YN had settled in perfectly but Viv couldn't help but sigh, something felt off. Like a feeling of impending doom.

"So- Mum, you said you wanted to talk to me about something." YN asked glancing up at Viv, YN was picking at her hoodie sleeves which made Viv sigh a little harder, YN was anxious about it clearly. Stopping midway Viv drops the knife and looks away.

"Nothing, we will talk later YN, ok? Just- uh let's enjoy the rest of our day." Viv tried to smile out but she could tell from Beth's look that Viv's smile was anything but convincing. Beth stands up clearly displeased at the avoidance of the topic, standing up she picks up the dirty dishes and drops them in the sink.

YN turned back to Viv and let out a sigh, "You're stalling mum, what is it?"

"Yeah Viv, what is this about?" Beth chimed in walking round to YN's side. Albeit the situation being, well not the best, Viv failed to hide her smile after noticing that they had already started siding up together against her.

But the smile doesn't linger for long, no, Viv feels the smile drop and the overwhelmed feelings come rushing back, they were still watching Beth impatient and YN looking frustrated. That only did more to add on to the stress, causing Viv to snap.

"Guys. Seriously." She muttered raising her voice whilst shooting them both a serious look, "We will talk about this later ok? End of."

YN frowns throwing her arm up to cover her ears, freezing upon Viv's tone. Viv noticed immediately and shook of the tension, trying to give her a comforting smile instead.

"YN, it's ok I'm just a little frustrated that's all...YN?" With no response Viv stands up and walks round the table where she was sat, frozen.

Snapping her head towards Beth Viv watched as Beth takes a step back and towards the kitchen to get some water.

"YN come on, hey? Honey you're okay, you're safe. I'm not angry okay? You're safe." Viv croaked out feeling the guilt intensify, how was she sucking this bad at being a mum.

"N-No" YN croaked out, her breathing intensifiying, she was in her head. Not looking around to see that both Beth and Viv had gotten up to try calm the situation.

Beth rushes forward with her phone in one hand and water in the other, Viv put's a hand up slowly, telling her not to call but mutters a small thanks for the water. "Have some water sweetheart." Viv whispered so quietly she doubted in that second if she had spoken at all.

Bringing the cup to YN's lips, Viv let it touch YN when suddenly YN slaps the cup out of her hand, Viv flinches at the cup flies onto the ground and shatters, glass spraying everywhere.

YN bolts up from her seat and hides behind Beth, only to confirm Viv's doubts, she was stuck in fight or flight. But before she could check her tone the panic set in as YN staggered, "YN CAREFUL! the glass."

"Viv- just wait, you're shouting again, she doesn't like it." Beth snaps as she hears YN's sharp breathing behind her.

"Sorry- oh god sorry." Viv croaks out, feeling a surge of guilt for making her daughter feel this way.

"Let's all breathe okay? YN your mums going to clean up the glass and go outside to relax, she's not angry she's just expressing her frustration. Your mum cares about you, we just need to learn to be wiser of how we express our feelings."

"I'm sorry YN" Viv repeats, tears now filling her eyes, Viv doesn't hear a response, instead Viv just leans down and begins to clean up the glass. Following Beth's instructions she was a foot out the door when she heard YN's voice,

"It's ok." She whispered, "I just don't like it when we shout."

And that was it, the water works had started and Viv couldn't control herself, she prided herself with her logical thinking and ability to think under pressure. But being a mother was different, and she felt like she had already failed. She had barely begun parenting and she was this bad?

Walking out to calm down so YN couldn't see her cry, Viv calmed herself down before stepping back in, Glancing at YN she watched as YN looked so vulnerable, guilty that she made her feel worse.

"No more shouting, new house rule, okay?" Viv whispered out,

Still hesitant YN glanced up and gave a small smile "Promise?"

"Of course. Pinky promise." Viv whispered, and she meant it, the day she broke a promise with YN would be the day she truly would lose herself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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