Part - 14 Bye - Bye. 👋🏻

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Sana is scared because she don't know how to do it but Druv is enjoying his skating. Sana is grabbing the poles and moving forward with the help of them. Druv sees her and comes to her.

Druv - give me your hands i'll teach you.

Sana - no no it's ok you go and enjoy.

Druv - sweetheart come on. Let me help you.

He grabs her hand and start pulling her slowly. She is very scared. She is grabbing his hands tightly so that she don't fall.

Sana - don't let My hands go. If you did I am gonna kill you.

Druv - definitely i'll never leave your hands or you alone. Now do focus or let me do focus as well.

After sometime of teaching she learns quickly.

Druv - you are a quick learner wow. Lets go. We~~~~~~~now I am going there you have to come to me.

Sana nodded and he went a bit far from her. She start skating by herself and going towards him. She was almost there but suddenly she loses her balance Druv saw it and he comes to her for saving her from falling but its late she falls over Druv. Druv is grabbing her waist and her hands is on his shoulder her face is next to his face.

Druv - are you okay?

Sana - yup i am sorry. Are you okay.

Druv - i am perfectly fine😊😊.

Sana stands up from him and same as he does.

Sana - I hope you are fine. "Worried".

Druv - i am totally fine. "Thinking - When its comes to this kind of scene the couple always kissed but why not me".

(Author- because its my decision. ✌🏻🤣
Druv - i swear i'll teach you a lesson.
Author- we will see that now focus on her mister.)

Druv - i hope you didn't hurt yourself.

Sana - no I am good. you are fine to right.

Druv - perfectly fine sweetheart don't worry. I have a great solid body. 😉😉

Staff - your time is up guys please come out.

Druv - times up. Lets go.

They both comes out from skating area. Removes the safety paddings. Walks out from that area. Sana saw a ice cream area and she wants that.

Sana - ice cream. Lets have it.

Druv - sure let's go.

They both went to ice cream centre.

Sana - vanilla ice cream please. And what do you want.

Druv - same as her.

Staff - sure. Here. "Gives them ice cream. One child came."

Small kid - one vanilla ice cream please.

Staff - sorry, vanilla ice cream is out of stock. These two are the last pieces and they buy it.

After hearing this the kid became sad his face became dull. Druv have already taken a bite from his ice cream but Sana didn't. She saw his face and gave her ice cream to that kid.

Sana - here. You can have it. "Bend down to his level and gave her ice cream to him. He looked at her with sparkling eyes."

Kid - really?

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