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« Swinging in the backyard »

Friday. The hot July night, unusual with its summer breeze. The cicadas trying to raise their song to the raucous music that came from the house.

Junhui's head started to hurt, despite only having been there for an hour and a half. He wasn't essentially sensitive to loud music, as he himself used to listen to songs at full volume in his room while he danced without anyone seeing him. Advantages of his room being the basement. The reason? They weren't going to use it for anything else, so he'd taken it as his own.

But what made him dizzy and sick was the amount of people dancing close together, all smelling of alcohol, tobacco, and sweat. Anyway, it made him nauseous. He hadn't found a single corner to run to and take a breath, so he went out to the garden, which was wide and he didn't understand why no one danced there.

Jeonghan gave him the invitation personally. Not that it was a special celebration, just a party because it was the last day of school and the first day of summer vacation. But that wasn't the reason why he had gone. The reason was Minghao, his precious cousin whom he considered his younger brother and overprotected him many times, although he could take care of himself and most of the time it was the youngest who took care of him, since Jun used to be childish and the youngest boy a very mature person.

And all of that led him there, to that moment, where he barely set foot outside, his lungs thanking him for the fresh air. Mentioned earlier, his inner child never left him behind, so he walked over to Jeonghan's younger sisters' swing and sat on one of them. He swung gently, barely pushing himself off the ground with his feet.

He left his beer on the lawn, which someone had given him when he arrived and which he hadn't even taken a sip and was therefore warm already.

Minghao had disappeared from his sight when he met Mingyu, his best friend. So he would stay there a little longer, until the younger arrived with him and told him that they should go now, because they'd arrived there in his mother's car, and he had to drive.

But he hadn't been the only one with the idea of escaping from the noisy congregation inside the house.

Wonwoo, friend of Seungcheol, Jeonghan's boyfriend, had also been invited to the party and forced to go by Hansol and Mingyu, who planned to drink alcohol despite being underage. And he had to take care of them and leave them in their respective homes. He was basically the babysitter for his friends.

He went out to the patio and finished drinking the only beer he had allowed himself. He blinked several times as his eyes felt dry, he was still not used to the contact lenses. As soon as he got to his house, he would trade them for his trusty glasses. When he saw Jun, swinging absentmindedly on the swing, he regretted getting out and almost recoiled into the great mass of teenage sweat dancing.

But he'd rather face Junhui a thousand times than risk being elbowed and groped when trying to find a place where he could rest.

He inhaled, exhaled. He advanced.

Jun immediately turned his head when he felt the presence of the other sitting on the swing next to him.

"Did you get fed up with the party too?" The Chinese boy spoke first.


They both knew each other thanks to Mingyu and Minghao, who were practically best friends since high school. That was 5 years ago.

Five years in which they had casual talks and nothing more, but Junhui knew so much about Wonwoo that he knew all of his favorite video games and every one of the books he had read since he was 14 years old, and Wonwoo knew so much about Junhui that he would even rival the knowledge of Minghao, his familiar who had grown up with him.

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