i. torturous first day of senior year

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EMMA MYERS. One of the sweetest girl's you'll ever meet. She was shy, yet outgoing with friends. Quiet, but loud with her family when she was happy. Smart, but made stupid choices that she laughs back on with her friends.

But her worse trait was falling for people who couldn't give two shits about her.

I shall be your narrator on this lovely journey.

You don't know me, but I know everything that's about to happen in this storyline. So, grab some popcorn, get something to drink, and enjoy the fucking book.

August 20th, 2021
8:03 am

"Why do I feel like this year might be hella boring?" One of Emma's closest friends, Joanne, muffled out. Emma shut her locker with a chuckle.

"Maybe it's because you don't have plans after high school." The taller girl teased Joanne slightly. The latter rolled her eyes with a smile, puffing it the smoke she inhaled from her vape and waving it away, tucking her pen in between her skirt and body. "Although I think you might end up a crackhead, I do believe that you can turn this year around if you really wanted too."

"Nah." Joanne decided in a nonchalant tone that made them both laugh. "What about you? Ain't you tryna be a vet or some shit like that."

Emma laughed with a nod of her head, stuffing her textbooks in her locker. "That or a nurse. I feel like I'd be pretty good at helping people or animals." She checked her hair in the magnetic mirror on the door of her locker. "I'm not too sure, though."

"Aye, I just know you finna be successful in the future." Joanne mumbled seriously, but Emma knew it was the weed consuming her. The brunette girl laughed at the dark-skinned girl.

"Sure, Jo, sure." She wrapped her arm around the smaller girl's shoulders, the two of them walking down the hall. Emma kept her eyes trained ahead, but they dropped to the ground when she spotted the one person she was hoping would go back to juvie.

Jenna Ortega.

Ah, Jenna Jenna Jenna. What a crazy bitch... a love sick fool... and a goofball.

"Myers, what's up?" Jenna approached her with a small smirk. Emma took notice of Jenna; her features were more defined. Sharper jawline, darker brown eyes, her freckles darker yet fewer than before, her lips plump and pink, her skin more tan than anything. "Did you enjoy your stay in the psyche ward?"

"Oh ha ha, Ortega, juvie didn't change a thing about you." Jenna placed a hand over her head at Emma's statement, a smile on her face.

"Why thank you. I'm glad to know someone still knows the real me." Emma rolled her eyes when Jenna licked her lips, nudging the taller girl's shoulder. "Shit, we should catch up sometime. Tell me all about grippy sock prison."

Emma and Joanne stared at the troublemaker girl who cackled her way through the halls, intimidating kids who were weaker than she was. "I feel like she on some shit." Joanne broke the silence.

Emma snorted and dragged her friend away. "Could be."


Jenna opened her notebook to a fresh page of paper. She glanced at the board, then the math teacher, and all her friends that were focused on jotting notes down.

"Ugh." She groaned, throwing her head back in frustration. "It's the first day, why are we doing all this shit?"

"Math teachers, I guess." A girl named Kody, shrugged her shoulders. She had long, bleached curly hair that dropped just below her shoulders. Pale skin with forrest green eyes and a slim, tall body. "By the way, how was juvie?"

"Eye opening." Jenna scoffed, twirling her pencil between her fingers. Kody finished the notes and looked at Jenna curiously. "Just being there made me stronger than I am and look. My parents considered sending me to therapy, too."

"And what did you do again?" Kody asked with caution.

"Stabbed a kid with a pencil." She shrugged nonchalantly. Kody's eyes widened as she looked at her friend. "What? He stole my fucking markers."

"The kid was Jonas Reeds, right?" Jenna nodded in confirmation. "Then you did everyone a favor in doing that, but it's still psycho behavior~" Kody teased Jenna with a playful tone.

The shorter girl rolled her eyes, crossing her arms and slumping back against her chair. "It's whatever. Oh, by the way, my parents are out of town. Party at my place, I just need your help to get my siblings out of the house, too."

"I gotchu." Kody chuckled and did her signature handshake with Jenna.


"Pst." Emma turned her head to find where the whisper came from. She rolled her eyes when Jenna came into her sightline. She opened her locker in hopes of ignoring her, but Jenna didn't back off. "Oh Emmyyyy."

Emma rolled her eyes again at the dragged it nickname. "What do you want, Ortega?"

"I'm having a party tonight." Jenna tucked her hands in the pockets of her leather vest. "You should come with your friends and have the time of your life. You know, don't be a sourpuss for once." As Jenna walked by, she gently patted Emma's back.

Emma glanced back at the latter who waltzed out with a few of her friends through the doors out to the quad. The brunette rolled her eyes before slamming her locker shut, walking away to try and catch Joanne before attending history.


Jenna Ortega's party would go down in history as one of the biggest ragers in the beginning of the school year.

Everyone was cheering, drinking, dancing, and more. Solo cups were scattered everywhere, couples mysteriously slipping away from the dance floor while some of the awkward singles stayed off to the side, sipping their drink shyly.

Jenna was dancing in the center with her best friend, Mikey. The two of them were grinding up and down with the rest of their friend group, tequila shots in their hands. Jenna's eyes spotted Emma and her friends hesitantly walking through the front door.

She drunkly swung over to them. "Heyyyy, the party's just started!" She yelled over the music, hooking her arm lazily around Emma's shoulders, the latter awkwardly standing there. "Feel free to any of the drinks!"

Emma's friends slowly departed from one another, finding one way or another to the kitchen where the alcohol was. "I'm glad you made it, honey." Jenna pulled away, cockily leaning against the counter.

"And I can't believe you're already drunk." Emma sighed and took the solo cup from her hands, drinking it herself.

"It's nothing new from me." Jenna mumbled under her breath, she lowly watched Emma chug the alcohol in her cup. Her hooded eyes being glued to the brunette. "Hey, let me show you where the real drinks are."

Emma didn't want to say yes, but she found herself following the girl anyway. "Sure." The two of them walked together to the kitchen.

I bet Emma really regretted following Jenna.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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