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—Jimin's house 06:00 at pm—

Hamza stop his car infront of him house and they both come out of it than they went towards the main door where Hurain press the door bell button ~

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Hamza stop his car infront of him house and they both come out of it than they went towards the main door where Hurain press the door bell button ~

Hamza : ummm i guess he's alone?

Hurain : huh?

Hamza : i don't see Taehyung's car here

Hurain : oh yeah you're right anyways I'm so excited to surprise him !!!

Hamza : he will surely get happy ~

Hurain : happy ? Superrr happyyy !!!

Hamza smile than they didn't listen anyway sound nor the door get open

Hamza : maybe he's sleeping ~

Hurain : let's go inside~

Hamza : but he's sleeping-

Hurain : than what should we do ?

Hamza : umm ? Let's go than ~

Hurain : umm okay ~

Hamza : come fast ~

They both went back in car

Meanwhile Jimin who was walking in Zehra's Street ~

Jimin  : O Zehra look I come to see where are you my Zehra

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Jimin  : O Zehra look I come to see where are you my Zehra

Jimin was walking here and there infront of her house to a simple little glimpse of her

Jimin : no-one knows me here so it's not that risky for me to walk here without mask ~

Jimin look at his wrist watch and than he leans against his car and stare at the road

Jimin : My Zehra are you there ? Are you okay ? Did you had your meal ??

Jimin look at the sky and take a deep breath and than scan the area around him

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