Your Move (Prologue)

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"I just... Don't think we should be friends anymore, (Reader). I feel like you're always so... Unreliable, like, you never showed up for me when I needed you."

You stared at your friend in disbelief. You couldn't believe after all these years, they were leaving you.

"Vicky, what the fuck?! We've been friends for over six years, and you're just now getting pissed over something that never happens?" You burst out, pointing an accusatory finger at them.

They were in shock at your sudden anger, and you both stayed still for a minute.

"You want to talk about being unreliable, Vicky? Really? Because last time I checked you always bail whenever I ask for your help with anything!" You paused for a second, glaring at them, and then turned around and started walking away.

You and Vicky had attracted the attention of the other people on the street, and by the looks of it, they were going to leave both of you alone.

Vicky probably stayed put, you didn't know. You weren't going to have to look at them ever again.

It felt so quiet, even in the city, with all of the cars and people. It felt like there was nobody else in the world except you and Vicky.

If anything, you'd even prefer it just to be you.

At least they would never accidentally fall on you while falling asleep during movie night. Fuck, you're already missing them, even for how terrible they were.

Oh well. It is what it is.

By the time you had walked all the way back to your apartment, you had cooled off quite a bit, and you were left with a faint sense of isolation.

You felt—so suddenly—very alone. Vicky had been your only friend, after all. There was nobody to talk to. Nobody else to even acknowledge your existence. Nobody would notice if you were to just disappear.

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