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After a couple minutes their food and drinks came. Right behind the waiter was the tall blonde that Shu kept looking at. Shu didn't see the blonde and grabbed his drink. He was about to take a drink, when he stopped in his tracks because the blonde started taking.

"Hello there!" The blonde said. Everyone at the table looked over to him.

"Hello." Ike greeted the blonde with a smile. "How can we help you?"

"I came over to ask why you three kept looking at my friend and I." The blonde said.

"You saw that, huh?" Vox asked.

"Yep!" Luca chuckled.

"We aren't saying!" Ike teased.

"Suit yourselves." Said the tall man. "I'm Luca. And my friend over there is Millie."

"Nice to meet you, Luca." Ike smiled. "I'm Ike, this is Vox, and that one over there is Shu." Vox waved at Luca while Shu just took a drink.

"Nice to you three!" Luca said. "You are the one that I caught looking at me first." Luca chuckled while glancing at Shu.

"Uh..." Shu stuttered. "I don't know what you're talking about!" Shu let out a fake laugh. (HAHAHAHAHA!! Sorry)

"Sure you don't." The demon laughed while Shu glared at him.

"Here." The blonde said, passing Shu a note. The banana haired man glared at the note and then grabbed it. He opened the note and read it.

Call me - (xxx)xxx-xxxx

-Luca :)

When Shu looked up to say something to the blonde, he was already gone. He glanced over to his friends.

"What does it say?" Vox asks.

"Nothing." Shu says, shoving the note into his pocket.

Soon, Shu left the cafe. It was 1pm. He got in his car to head back to his apartment. Uki and his friend group had left a while ago to go to the mall and Uki would be home later that afternoon.

Shu pulled into the parking garage, locked his car, and walked towards the elevator. He arrived on his floor and walked down the hall to his apartment. He unlocked it and went inside.

The banana haired man walked to his room and immediately lied down. He pulled the note out from his pocket. He sighed and grabbed his phone, typed in the number, and sent it a text.


Banana Hair 🍌
Is this Luca?

Yep! Let me guess, is this Shu?

Banana Hair 🍌

The two talked for the rest of the day, but then ended when it was around 9pm. Luca told Shu goodnight, and Shu did the same. He got ready for bed, tucked Uki in, and went to bed.


I know it's short, but whatever. You get 3 chapters in one day! :3


Words- 466

See you in the next chapter!

-Your lovely nonbinary writer 🖤

I'll be with you through the hard times. {★Shuca★} (ON HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now