Nine: Before

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Their First I Love You's

"We haven't found a single Anthony anywhere in her history

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"We haven't found a single Anthony anywhere in her history. The man associated with the name definitely exists and there's video of him with her at the hospital every time he sent her there. But the name is definitely fake. Facial recog doesn't do anything either. It's like he came into existence with the specific purpose to hurt her. After he achieved his goal, he disappeared."

The only thing keeping me from throwing the phone in anger was the woman sleeping peacefully on my chest. Instead, I focused on our other target. "And Dick?" Dante let out a loud laugh on the other end of the line.

"Oh that one was easy. Caught him outside the hospital beating his wife in the car. He won't be missed. He's waiting for you downstairs whenever you're ready."

That nearly put a small smile on my face. The one I really wanted was nowhere to be found. But I would settle for second best. "I'll be there tomorrow. Make him comfortable for me."

"Will do, Boss." The sinister smile could be heard in his voice before he hung up the phone. I shot a text to Tremani to see if any of his people could make sense of this Anthony person. He had connections that neither I nor Dante had because of his father.

I looked down at the woman on my chest and felt my heart break for her. No one should have to endure that kind of pain. Especially not from someone who claimed to love them. She was too beautiful a soul to ever have deserved something like that. But I swore to myself that I would show her better. I would love her the right way.

I pressed a soft kiss to the top of her head and settled in to read my emails until she was ready to wake up.

If I thought that Luciano was gentle and nonthreatening before, I was wrong

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If I thought that Luciano was gentle and nonthreatening before, I was wrong. The man looked terrified to even look at me wrong and he was constantly making sure that I was okay.

It would be adorable if it weren't so irritating. Especially after a month of it.

At first I appreciated it and honestly I needed it. But after the first week I was over it. I needed my boyfriend back. I had no clue who this other man was.

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