chapter 1

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It was night, Murphy was walking around the camp making sure everyone had obey him and Bellamy to stay close, until he saw someone sitting on a tree a few meters away from the rest.

"Hey, want some food? I can give you some if you take that off." He asked with a smirk and an authoritative tone, looking at the wristband on your wrist.

No, why would I don't that? I don't want anything from you. You're a prank man. I said.

"Yeah, I am. What gave it away?"

He asked jokingly and chuckled, still waiting for you to take the wristband off, the smirk more evident on his face.

I'm not taking the wristband off. I said again.

"And why is that?"

He asked, crossing his arms, his smirk still on his face as he looked at you, he was starting to get annoyed since you weren't doing what he told you to do.

Because I actually have people that care about me now I said.

"Wow, you *really* know how to get on my nerves."

He said, his smirk disappearing, replaced by an annoyed expression, he was losing his patience.

"And who would those people be, huh?"

My brother I said back.

"Oh, your brother, *interesting*."

He said in an mocking tone, raising an eyebrow as he looked at you, a small smile on his face again, still annoyed at you.

Okay what do you want prick? I asked

"Ok, princess now you are just spewing out a bunch of nonsense."

He said now completely confused, looking at you in a mixture of confusion and annoyance.

Why did you call me princess? I asked.

He raised an eyebrow as a small smile appeared on his face after being called "princess."

"My name is John, but most people just call me Murphy."

I know her name is Murphy. I asked you why you called me Princess. Wow you must be deaf I said with a laugh.

He chuckled and rolled his eyes.

"Why I called you princess?"

He said, mocking your previous threat.

"Because you were acting like one."

I'm acting like a princess. How so? I asked.

"Being all demanding, demanding special treatment, thinking you're above everyone else and can just do whatever you want without facing any consequences."

He listed, counting with his fingers and looking at you with a smirk.

I don't do that I said.

"Oh yeah? Then why are you getting all worked up just because I asked you to take off the wristband?"

He said with a cheeky smile on his face again, he was enjoying this little argument.

Because I have to don't what you're saying, okay? I said back.

He rolled his eyes and chuckled again.

"See? Act like a princess."

He said pointing out your own behavior.

I don't act like a princess, but you act like a prick I say.

He raised an eyebrow amused, crossing his arms and looking at you.

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