Chapter 4

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"Uh, hi." I said in reply.

"I heard what happened..." She exclaimed. "I came here to-"

"What? Laugh at me? Sure! Do it! Do what you want!" I had finally had enough with all of Tobias' bullshit, and I am going... tonight.

"No. I will not. Its not funny for him to do that, but it will be okay Gumball. It will, I promise." She told me in an almost worried tone.

"It will not be okay. Things will not change, and I will continue to be in this depressed state..." I paused for a moment "... until I do something about it"

"G-Gumball..." She started to tear up. "... y-you don't mean..."

"Oh I definately mean that."

"NO!" she yelled, gaining the attention of almost everybody in the lunch room.

At that moment I saw Tobias walking over to us. 'Oh fuck... him again' I thought to myself.

"Really Gumball? Making girls cry now? Wow, I did not think you could be this low" Tobias said

"Get the fuck away Tobias! Leave us alone!" I retorted quickly.

"And leave this fine lady in distress? No, no, no. That would be wrong." At that moment he took his hand and squeezed Carrie's... rather attractive butt, and then kissed her on the cheek.

"Get off of me!" She pushed his hand off of her ass, and slapped him in the face, then ran out of the room.

"Smooth, Tobias" I said with a grin.

People giggled at my comment as Tobias exited the area with an embarassed look.

After Tobias left I ran as fast as I could out of the lunch room to find her.

I decided to check the classrooms first.

After checking all of them, and still had no sign of her, I chose to check the gym, and the library.

The gym, being empty was easy to search, but the library took almost a half hour to finish looking in there. Still no sign of her.

'Thats it! She must be in the bathroom!' thought to myself.

As I walked towards the girls' bathroom, I heard a voice in there.

"I know I should'nt go in, but I have to find her!"

As I walked in, I noticed someone was there, but it was not Carrie.

When I noticed who it was I yelled "NO! ANYONE BUT YOU WOULD BE GREAT RIGHT NOW!"

Then I tried to run away.

Hey everyone! Remember to vote and follow if you are liking this story!
^-^ new chapters coming soon.

Warning: Chapters ahead may get a bit... graphic... featuring a shortage of clothing, etc.

Stay awesome everyone!

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