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Okay Marie this is your new gun stand up high head high I then showed her how to shoot and clean the gun I tough her how to fight a kill and how to make a fire find food water how to sanitize it a bunch of survival skills for the past month

The next day

Get up grab your thing we have to go I said as I picked up Judith and grabbed Judith's baby bag she then grabbed her bag

What's your name anyways I asked

I'm Marie what about you she asked

I'm Xiomara this is Judith I said I then fed Judith her formula

Mama Judith said and I looked at Judith

That's her first word I said and I took out my phone

Say it again baby I said recording her

Mama mama Judith said laughing and I stopped recording I then heard walkers and I picked up Marie and ran I then open a house and I locked us inside I then gave Marie Judith I then looked around and saw no zombies I then grabbed Judith

It's clear I said and we went to the kitchen I then found food we then sat in the living room and I opened canned fruit and I added it in Judith's bottle and I fed Judith

Open princess I said and I fed Marie and myself

Let's go to sleep we have a lot to do tomorrow I said and I laid down and Marie laid next to me as Judith laid in my chest

Goodnight Marie goodnight Judith I said

Goodnight mama Marie said soon we fell asleep I got up in the morning and found water and more cannier food so I made it into breakfast

Marie breakfast I yelled as I picked up Judith and I fed her the last of the formula

Shit I said I then warmed it up and fed it to Judith as Marie eats canned food

A month later
grab your bag we need to go I said and I grabbed the gun and the baby bag as Marie grabbed her bag and we started walking on train tracks a sign for a sanctuary

Should we go I asked

Yeah she said and we started walking I then started singing to Marie as Judith slept and then we stopped at a baby store and we walked in and I gave a gun to Marie

Only press this button if it's an emergency I asked and she nodded I then looked around and grabbed a toy for Judith and grabbed formula I then saw a zombie and it bit my arm and I screamed and Marie killed it

Give me your knife I said and she gave it to me

Take Judith and close your eyes I said and she nodded she then went to a corner  (it'll grow back in a while )

I then got up I then started to stop the bleeding and bandaged it

Come on Marie I said as I picked up Judith with one hand

Grab mommy's jeans I said and she did and we started walking

Are you okay mommy she asked looking at the hand on the floor

I'm fine grab your sister I said passing Judith to Marie I took out my sword and cut off a walkers ands and jaw and I put a chain I then tied it to Marie I then did the same to another and I put the chain on me I then grabbed a wagon and put the baby in and I put Marie in and I put our bags in as the walkers pulled the wagon

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