Welcoming the Babies

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This is the second last chapter and the biggest chapter of this book next chapter will be the last 🙃 I am emotional 🥲

Next chapter target is 100+ votes and 100+ comments

It wasn't peaceful like other days in the seoul hospital, Loud groans and screams filled in the air, taehyung was in his labour

Taehyung squeezed his eyes shut, a strangled cry escaping his lips as another wave of pain ripped through him

A loud scream escaped his lips as another wave of pain ripped through him. Sweat beaded on his forehead despite the cool air in the delivery room,

the nurses were running here and there after all, the little Jeons are gonna arrive soon!!!!

beside him Jungkook, his husband looked badly bruised, His usually styled hair looked like a bird's nest, and his designer t-shirt was was little bit torn because of his wife's nails

But the most eye-catching detail was the impressive collection of red handprints adorning his cheek because Taehyung had slapped and punched on his face

"Ahhhh, Jungkook I am gonna kill you!" Taehyung roared, clutching his stomach with a face contorted in pain. "Like, seriously, after this, you're sleeping on the couch... forever!"

"Yes pup, kill me but please deliver the babies first" he chuckled, leaning in to kiss Taehyung's sweaty forehead. 

Taehyung saw his husband smiling he squeezed his eyes shut, trying to control his anger another scream building in his throat. under normal circumstances, Taehyung would find his husband's smile adorable. Today, however, it felt like he is gonna explode

"Yah!" Taehyung roared in anger. "I am DYING in pain here and you're smiling?!" He said landing another slap on his face

"You made me Pregnant!!!!! This is all your fault! You and your... and your..." he sputtered, searching for the right word, his face contorting further.

"My dick?" Jungkook said wagging his eyebrows.


Jungkook frowned looking offended "Hey, that takes two to tango, Mrs. Jeon! Besides, wasn't it you who pushed me onto the couch that one rainy afternoon and unbuttoned my jean-"

Before he could complete his sentence another slap landed on his face by his wife

"I dare you to finish that sentence, Jeon Jungkook! I dare!" Taehyung rasped, his voice hoarse from the pain and exertion "AHH" He squeezed his eyes shut, face contorted in pain

"Naina! When will you deliver the baby!" Taehyung asked glaring her who was standing infront of him with a sigh "no not the time, it will take few hours" naina said nonchalantly blowing at her nails, taehyung huffed lying back on the bed

Taehyung's scream was abruptly cut short when he heard a familiar loud scream of his bestfriend, The hospital door flew open with a bang and yoongi barged inside the hospital room, He was practically dragging a stretcher behind him where a very much pregnant jimin was lying.

"JIMIN hiiii!" Taehyung said waving his hand, A fresh wave of pain ripped through Taehyung, stealing the breath from his lungs. He threw his head back and let out a scream "AHHH" as another contraction hit.

Jimin blinked, processing the scene. Taehyung, his best friend, his partner in crime since childhood, was sprawled on a hospital bed, hooked to machines, and somehow managing to giggle-scream at the same time. It was enough to make him forget the pain "BESTIE!!! AHHHHH FUCK"

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