What If... Chris was a singer's muse?

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Rose was about to get on stage and she couldn't help being nervous. Obviously, she was excited to be singing once again in front of her friends' fans, but this time would be different than any other. See, as she was friends with the Sturniolo triplets, Rose had been offered to come on tour with them for almost a month across the United States. This was the triplets' second tour, which they had called the Versus Tour where Nick, Matt and Chris would compete against one another.

For the first shows of the tour, Rose had been singing after the triplets had played games with their fans. Now, for the last ones, Tril – another singer friend of the triplets – had joined them on the road and replaced Rose. And as today was the very last show, it had been decided that both Rose and Tril would sing at the end. This was why Tril was currently on stage while Rose was watching him from the side and getting ready to perform after him. Why was it any different than other shows then? Well, for that, a memory from last week was to be taken into account.


"Why are people insulting a random unknown guy under your comments?" Chris had asked Rose while they were having a break between two shows.

"What do you mean?" Matt had wondered as he was looking over Chris's shoulder to see what was on his phone.

"I don't really know to be honest," Chris admitted. "Just some fans saying that the guy is 'dumb' and 'oblivious as fuck'."

While Chris and Matt kept reading other comments out loud, Nick and Rose stared at each other. They couldn't believe what the two were saying. The situation was very simple though: Rose had been trying to confess to her crush through the songs she had been singing on tour, but it seemed that it wasn't working at all. Only Nick knew what was going on, but as a proof of loyalty towards his friend, he had never said anything to his brothers – especially because the guy in question was one of them.
Nick sighed as a way of apologising for his brothers' stupidity and Rose mentally thanked the fans for having her back. She knew that they definitely all knew who she liked, but out of respect for her, no one had ever revealed his identity. As Rose was thinking about ways of making it clearer – it had been two weeks since she had started doing this, she realised that her name was being called.

"Rose? Rosie?" Chris had been repeating her name for a good minute. "Can you explain?"

"What's there to explain?" She raised her eyebrow at her friend. "I like a guy and he's an idiot for not noticing."

"Do we know him?" Matt asked as he tried to think of who it could be.

"I guess..." Rose shrugged her shoulders as she wasn't going to actually say his name.

"How are you even trying to get his attention though?" Chris pointed out.

"You do know videos of her singing are being shared everywhere, right?" Nick sighed once again as he couldn't bear the obliviousness of his brothers.

"Oh, so it's through songs?" Chris eventually realised.

"You do sing many romantic songs", Matt said as he was remembering what his friend would choose for her small setlist. "They're mostly all about unrequited love though."

"Of course," Rose replied with a 'duh' tone. "It's because it is right now, I'm not gonna write nor sing about actual love stories when it's not happening."

Chris and Matt admitted that it made sense, before starting to review what Rose had sung since their tour had begun, as a way to try and guess who it could have been directed to. Afraid that they would get betrayed by their facial expressions or because they would definitely end up laughing, Nick and Rose decided to get out of the tour bus to grab a drink in order to leave Matt and Chris to their antics.
Using this precious time, the two youngest Sturniolos therefore managed to recreate Rose's setlist for each show and noticed that after she had sung a couple of her own songs, she was always changing the last one. They quickly recognised that it was always a song she loved and was certainly in her everyday playlist. For the eight shows that had happened before Tril had replaced Rose, the girl had sung some of her all-time favourite songs: Somebody To You by The Vamps, You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift, It's You by Ali Gatie, Can't Blame a Girl for Trying by Sabrina Carpenter, 18 by One Direction, Always You by Louis Tomlinson, Someone To You by BANNERS and You Could Start A Cult by Niall Horan.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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