Hello internet!

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Hello there random person welcome to my good ol diary bc I don't mind showing my ptsd on the internet so ppl like u can see :)

Anywho guess I should like introduce myself

Internet name is Puzzely I don't feel comfortable telling my actual name I hope u understand

Age range is 11-15 I am a minor

I use she/they pronouns and my sexuality is lesbian

I have never ate a sandwich in my entire life I've also never ate a taco yes I am a weird for that

I have no rizz ^^

If u could see from the beginning yes I am diagnosed with ptsd I am not joking may say how in this idk

I like orange and green :)

My fav cores are kid core/weird core

Community's I'm in include...OSC,VOCALOID,DDLC,GACHA, FPE, FNAF, Kinito, KREW, CRK (kinda), TDAC, MURDER DRONES, and more...

I really like reading comments on things I make bc it makes me happy :)

I have a yt which u can find on my profile

I will probably show Pinterest photos I find in this

Anyway now that I've introduced myself i am going to go to sleep bc I'm tired and stuff see u in the future and stay safe :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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