fancast me

30 4 5

Nova, what are you thinking?
No idea, but it sounds fun

Ok guys, I'm curious what you think I look like so everybody drop celebrities that you think I look like in the comments >>
And I'll rate your attempts, 1 being not even close to how I actually look and 10 being you found me irl

Ok guys, I'm curious what you think I look like so everybody drop celebrities that you think I look like in the comments >>And I'll rate your attempts, 1 being not even close to how I actually look and 10 being you found me irl

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DANG IT. THE VERY FIRST ONE! You got me, I'm actually Adam Sandler catfishing all of y'all

 THE VERY FIRST ONE! You got me, I'm actually Adam Sandler catfishing all of y'all

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Pretty dang close actually except I am NOT that pretty. My hair is a bit lighter and my eyebrows are no where near that perfect and I have a horrible nose that is nothing like hers. Shuck, she's hottttt

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