24 2 5

A week has passed and Luca and Shu have hung out more and got more close. But Shu doesn't know the secret that Luca is trying so hard to hide from him.

Shu wakes up to his phone ringing. He glances over, grabs his phone, and answers it.

"Hello?" Shu says in a raspy voice into his phone.

"Hi Shu!" Luca's voice beams.

"You sound cheerful... Whats up?" Shu questions.

"Just wondering if you would like to hang out!" The blonde says.

"Uhhhh, what time and where?" The banana hair answers.

"Maybe at like..." Luca's voice trails off for a second. "Would 12:30 work? We could go to the mall!"

"Sure!" Shu exclaims.

"Great!" Shu can hear the smile in the golden retriever boy's voice. "See you later!!"

"See you later." Shu says and Luca hangs up.

The black cat like boy sighs as he gets out of bed. He has to get ready for the day, but yet he is still so exhausted. The boy yawns as he gets his stuff ready and gets into the shower.

Shu is now all ready, but his hair is air drying. He is just sitting on his bed, phone in hand while scrolling through Tik Tok.

"Hey, Shu?" The banana hair looks up to see his brother peeking through his door with a small smirk on his face.

"What's up Uki?" Shu asks.

"Can Fulgur come over at noon?" Uki questions, shyly. (My keyboard made me type ShyLily lmao)

"Of course your boyfriend can come over!" Shu teases.

"SHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!" Uki exclaims, clearly flustered. "You know what, whatever." The purple hair sighs and walks out.

Shu chuckels and glances at the time. It's 11:43. The banana hair man begins to zone out when he gets a text. He looks back at his phone to see a text from Luca

Golden Retriever 💛

Golden Retriever 💛
Heyyyyy! Do you want me
to pick you up, or will
you drive here?

Banana Hair 🍌
Could you please pick me
up? That would really do
me a favor. My apartment
number is XX

Golden Retriever 💛
Of course! See you later
goof ball! 💛

Banana Hair 🍌
See you later! 💜

Shu's face turns a more red color because of the heart. He shakes his head to calm down. A goofy smile appears on his face as lets out a happy sigh.


Don't get mad that they didn't hang out this chapter! They will in the next one!!! You got some more psyborg today!! :3

I have a theater camp that started today, and this was a scheduled upload. The next like 5 will also be scheduled- I have a play on Friday so there will be less posting this week!!!!!

Words- 470

See you in the next chapter!

-Your lovely nonbinary writer 🖤

I'll be with you through the hard times. {★Shuca★} (ON HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now