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While Shu continues to scroll on Tik Tok, he hears the doorbell ring. His little brother opens the door.

"Fufu-can!" Uki smiles, giving him a hug.

"Hey Ukiki!" Fulgur smiles back, while also hugging him back.

Uki brings him in as they walk towards the living room and cuddle up together. The purple head turns on the TV as the two look for a movie to watch.

Half an hour later, Shu is still in his room on his phone when the doorbell rings.

"Shu!!" Uki calls out. "Someone is here!"

"Why can't you answer it?" Shu groans.

"Because I'm with Fulgur!" Uki calls back. "Now get your fat ass out here and answer the door!'

Shu sighs and walks to the door, glancing at his brother and his 'friend' cuddled up.

"OMG, just date already!" Shu chuckels at the two causing Uki to blush.

"Maybe we will!" Fulgur teases.

Uki turns to Fulgur. "What?" Uki says, causing Shu and Fulgur to laugh.

Shu opens the door to find Luca there.

"Hi Shubert! Ready to go?" Luca asks.

"Yep!" Shu smiles and turns to Uki and Fulgur. "Be safe you too!" Shu walks out the door, closes it, and follows Luca down the hall.

The two boys arrive at the mall.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Luca asks.

"Sure!" Shu smiles. "What movie?"

"I heard Inside Out 2 is out!" Luca responds. (I just watched it on Sunday and RAH! It's so good!)

"Sure." Shu says.

The two watch their movie and after decide to look around the mall. They end up finding themselves in Hot Topic... (Me core.) But, the whole time, Shu was never able to shake off a feeling of him being watched...

"Look at these!" The blonde exclaims. "They're matching bracelets!"

Shu walks over to see the bracelets. It's matching colors, and surprisingly, they're their colors! (Why was that so confusing to reread-) Purple and Yellow. They both also have a part of a heart of the opposite color bracelet.

"We should get them!" Shu smiles as Luca nods his head in agreement.

Luca buys them. Shu got the yellow bracelet with the purple heart, and Luca got the purple bracelet with the yellow heart.

"The purple matches your eyes!" Shu laughs.

"It does, doesn't it?" Luca smiles. Shu nods and smiles back. "You wanna spend the night at my house?"

Shu was slightly shocked by the question, but just ended up smiling. "Sure! I would love to."

Soon, they leave the mall and Luca takes Shu to get his stuff. When they showed up, Uki asked if he could spend the night at Fulgur's house. Shu was a bit concerned, but was reassured that Fulgur's parents would be home. (Fulgur and Uki are still 17!) Shu agreed and soon their apartment was empty.

While Shu was getting his stuff, Luca messaged his maids/butlers that Shu was going to be coming and staying the night. They responded saying that they would make sure they would make a room for him to say in. Luca reminded them that Shu doesn't know he is in the mafia and that not to tell him.


Their sleepover is in the next chapter! But still, I hope you enjoyed!!

I need sleeeeeeep. I would stay up later but it's almost midnight and I have camp tomorrow.

Words- 569

See you in the next chapter!

-Your lovely nonbinary writer 🖤

I'll be with you through the hard times. {★Shuca★} (ON HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now