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Za'Niyah POV

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Za'Niyah POV.

I was otp with Lanae cause that's my bsf! We were talking about random shit, until the question that every person had to ask you.

"Who would you date? In the school though" she said.

"Myself cause every nigga in dere ugly asf." I said making her chuckle a lil.

"Seriously? you don't like one person in the whole school?" She said and I nodded.

"Nope, nobody can change my mind" or so I thought..

My mom came in "Za'Niyah, put the phone down. Go to bed." She said with a stern look on her face and I nodded.

"Nae, I gotta go to bed. See you tomorrow." I said.

"See you niyah!!" She said.

I ended the call and went to bed.

Ddot POV

I was playing GTA on my stream and playing music from my upcoming album.

"Chat, don't this go hardd?" I said and everyone said it was.

I went on my phone on went on ig and saw Za'Niyah posted something.

"Chat, rate this girl 1 through 10." I said putting my phone in the camera and everyone said 9 and 10.

"Y'all taste is ass. she ugly as hell." I said laughing "ard chat, I got school in the morning so yeah." I said ending it.

I went upstairs in my room since I stream in the basement, as soon as I got in my room and I ran in bed and slept like that.


Za'Niyah pov

I woke up around 7 because school starts at 9:05, went down stairs and at some lucky charms and my little sister Za'Riyah came downstairs (she's 8)

"whatcha eating??" She said with a toothless smile "Cinnamon Toast Crunch" I said taking a spoonful and biting right into it.

"Oh, okay." She said "you're not hungry?" I asked and she shook her head no.

"Okay then. you good tho" I asked and she nodded "I don't have school today" she said bragging as I rolled my eyes.

I finished eating and I went upstairs, I did my oral care and washed my face.

This is what I wore :

This is what I wore :

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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