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When Luca pulled up to his house, Shu was shocked by the size. (He is still in the mafia in this story!!)

"You live in a mansion?!" The banana hair exclaims.

"Yeah. My family is kind of wealthy." Luca laughs. (I wOnDeR wHy ThEy ArE sO wEaLtHy, LuCa!)

"Kind of?" Shu asks.

"Well... Alot wealthy." Luca chuckles.

The two walked up to the front door, and one of the maids opened it.

"Welcome back, Luca." She said, holding the door open. "You must be Shu! I prepared a room for you to say in." Shu nodded as he followed Luca in.

"Follow me!" The blonde says, slightly grabbing Shu's hand causing him to blush. 

Shu got more settled into his room and the two boys went downstairs to watch a movie.

"Holy crap!" Shu exclaims. "Even your living room is huge!" Luca started laughing his ass off as the two sat down on his large couch. (IF YOU GET DIRTY MINDED, I WILL KILL YOU.) They found a movie to watch, turned it on, and watched it.

Soon, they had watched so many movies it had started to get late. The boys ate their dinner on the couch, even! But, they had taken a break to put on pajamas so they would be more comfortable.

Luca felt weight on his shoulder, so he looked over. Shu had fallen asleep on his shoulder! Not only that, but he looked adorable.

The blond picked up the banana hair and brought him to his own room instead of the room made up for him. He laid Shu in bed, and climbed in next to him. He grabbed Shu's small waist, and pulled it towards his own, basically spooning him.

Soon, sleep washed over Luca's body as he fell into a deep, deep sleep...

Shu woke up to feel a weight on his waist. He glanced under the blanket to see Luca's arms wrapped tightly around his waist. His face immediately heated up.

"Morning sleepy head." A raspy voice said from behind him.

"Morning, Luca " Shu replied, with obvious flusteredness in his voice. "How long have you been up?"

"For about 5 minutes." Luca answered. "I see you still have your bracelet on."

"I see you still have yours, too." Shu chuckels. "I will never take mine off!"

"Same here." Luca says. Shu could hear his smile in his voice.

"We've gotta get up." Shu sighs, causing Luca to groan and grip his waist tighter. Shu's face immediately got so much more red. "We have to!" Luca groaned and let go of Shu's waist. Shu didn't admit it, but he felt kind of sad without Luca's hands on his waist.

The boys hung out almost all day. Evening soon rolled around. And just like the day before, Shu couldn't shake a feeling of being watched...

Shu didn't tell Luca, as he didn't want to worry him. They both agreed though that Shu should be getting home before Uki worries.

Soon enough, they got in the car and headed back to Shu's apartment.

When Shu looked into the side mirror, he saw a car behind them. He didn't think anything of it, until his saw it follow them to his apartment building. He tried to brush it off but it stayed in his head.

The boys got out of the car and started the walk to Shu's apartment. They soon arrived in front of his door.

"Talk to you later, Luca." Shu smiles, turning towards the taller man besides him.

"Talk to you later, Shubert." Luca smiles back.

They locked eyes for a second when Luca leaned in and kissed Shu's cheek. Before Shu could do or say anything, Luca was already walking back to his car.

Shu stood their for a couple minutes, just very confused. After a while, he shook his head and walked into his apartment.


Longer chapter today!! 🥳

Words- 670

See you in the next chapter!

-Your lovely nonbinary writer 🖤

(My keyboard literally guesses that whole sentence now lmao)

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