What Do We Do?

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Dr. Donji found something important, but he hasn't shared it with the rest of the group yet. This has made the others worried and impatient. They are all at their base, talking about how much they miss their original world where they had no problems and could do fun activities together.

Bionic noticed that the sky was getting darker even when the sun was up. He told the others, but they didn't believe him. They thought Bionic was just stressed and not getting enough sleep.

This made Bionic upset and confused. Maybe the others hadn't noticed it yet, but he knows that they eventually will.

"Hey, maybe Bionic was right. The sun is getting a bit dim, " Kiply said, looking at the sun that was up in the blue sky with some fluffy clouds.

"It's gonna be alright, Kip; nothing is dim or anything," Lynix replied, with Kiply still looking up at the sky.

"Bro... ur blind. How can you not see that the sky is dim?" Liger said, somehow defending Kiply.

"Is it?" Lynix asked with a confused look on his face. Maybe he didn't realise it? After all, Lynix and Quiff were busy thinking and giving theories about the scary monsters that were roaming around the world.

A little while later, when they were all just minding their own business. Rage, who was reading a book on a couch near the front door, heard a knock. It was a loud one.

The knocking noise was getting louder, and finally, Rage got out of his seat to open the front door because all the knocking annoyed him.

"What do y- Doni?!"
"Oh, hey, Rage! Can I come in?" Doni asked with a light smile on his face.

"Call the others. We need to discuss something. It's important, " Doni said as his face turned from a bright expression to a serious one.

Finally, all of them arrived at the meeting table. All of them were curious about what kind of information Doni found and what is he going to tell them.

"So, to start... There had been a slight problem with the server mods that made all of the previous and current dwellers and SCPs come back again. But! I found a way so we could fix it," Doni said, giving all the important information to them.

"So you're telling me... this was all an accident?!" Liger said, upset with what Doni said to him.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa... chill... It wasn't fully my fault, " Doni defended himself. He knew that it was his fault, but it was an accident.

"Wait, you said something about a way to fix it. Can it... work...?" Kiply asked, looking at Doni with some hope in her eyes.

"As I was saying, I do have the plan to fix it, but I haven't tried it yet." Doni continued what he was saying before. They felt relieved hearing that and wanted to know what it was.

"What could that plan be, Doni?" Bionic said sarcastically. He didn't fully trust Doni because of... what he usually does for a living.

"Well, BIONIC, I'm glad you asked," Doni replied with a grin on his face.
"I put another mod that -"

"YOU WHAT???" The others said all together. They were shocked and didn't know what to do or to say.

"Doni! What were you thinking???" Kiply said while panicking. Doni knows that the others will be mad or upset, but he doesn't know that it would be this bad.

"Wait! I'm not done explaining. Don't panic like that; it scared the living daylights out of me," Doni said, his smile slowly fading away.

"Now, let me continue. The mod that I downloaded wasn't a mod that spawns scary monsters or stuff. It's a mod that deletes other kinds of mods that are installed. So all we need to do now is just find every single scary monster from the mod and kill them!" Doni explained, with his smile coming back.

The others stayed quiet for a while. They didn't know what to say or respond. It was in between the good news and the bad news.

"So we just need to kill them all, right?" Quiff asked with a worried tone in his voice. All of them are worried about the situation.

What if it failed and backfired?

There are so many possibilities of what could happen to them, and they're too stressed to think about anything else.

The room was quiet. No talking, no movements, or anything else. It's like they've turned to stone and that they couldn't move.

"Should we just give it a go...?" Kiply said, finally breaking the silence that they were in. All of them turned their attention to Kiply and waited for an answer from the others.

"Well, we could give it a try; I mean, like - what could go wrong, right?" Doni said, forming the usual annoying smile on his face.

"He got a point. If we don't do anything, it will get even worse," Quiff said, looking at the others, convincing them to agree.

The others didn't have any other options, so they decided to agree to the plan and just hoped for the best. They didn't like it, but they felt it was their only choice and decided to move forward, hoping things would work out okay.

"So, what should we do now?" Quiff asked, trying to lift everyone's spirits and figure out the next steps for their mission.

"Well, the first thing we need to do is find those monsters," Doni replied. He stood up and walked over to the nearest window in their base. He looked out thoughtfully as if hoping to spot something that might help them. "We have to start by tracking them down. Once we find out where they are, we can come up with a better plan to deal with them. So, let's get to work on figuring out where they might be hiding."

"Alright then, let's do this," Quiff said as he walked closer to Doni, ready to start their plan. But as he moved, he suddenly got a strange feeling that something was watching them. He couldn't see anything or figure out where the feeling was coming from, but it made him feel uneasy and nervous.

Quiff glanced out of the window, hoping to spot whatever was causing his discomfort. Maybe it was one of those monsters they were searching for. If he could see it, they might be able to deal with it quickly and get rid of their problem. He peered into the distance, scanning the area carefully for any sign of movement or trouble.

A few moments later, Quiff decided to shrug it off and closed their meeting, hoping that they would be able to find those monsters a few days later since all of them were tired.

- , Yayyy another chapter! I hope to publish one or two more chapters this week, so stay tuned!

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