𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏

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"You know, it was fun to watch you beat the absolute living hell out of my brother." After arriving back from an expedition, you had happened to see your brother who had somehow shifted into a titan. To say you were shocked was an understatement, but after hearing all that you did during the trial that was held, along with watching Levi beat the shit out of Eren, you felt a bit better knowing that he would be placed under your protection.

"You do realize that we're gonna have to kill him if he gets out of hand, right?" Levi asks you, looking at you with the slightest bit of confusion on his face. Rightfully so, seeing as Eren was your brother and he'd have to be murdered by you if the time came.

"Yeah, but I doubt that'll happen. If anything, I think that would be a last resort." As the two of you were speaking, it was very clear that only a few feet in front of you Oluo was trying to intimidate your poor little brother.

At least, until he bit his own tongue and started bleeding.

A few more minutes had gone by, and you had finally made it to the old Scout's Headquarters. You lead your horse to the stall, letting her rest while you went to talk to your brother. You throw your arm around his shoulder, looking at him with a smile as you talk to him. "It's so obvious that your nervous, and I don't get why!"

"It's just that everyone here was hand-picked everyone here, and it's kinda hard not to be nervous knowing that." He explains, causing you to let out a small sigh. You knew for a fact that he wasn't giving you a full explanation, but you also somehow knew the rest of the reason as to why he seemed so nervous. He knew that if he went out of control while using his titan powers, everyone that was here right now was here to kill him.

"I mean, I wasn't picked by Levi to be here. It was the commander who made us be co-captains." It was true. All those years ago when Erwin had become commander, he put Levi in your squad. And since Levi had quickly gotten better, he became your co-captain. "But, hey! You have bragging rights now that you're in my squad!"

It only took a matter of minutes upon arriving at the old headquarters that the other captain had forced everyone into cleaning. You had quickly finished the room you were working on, and whilst walking down the hallway to head downstairs, you had heard Petra and Eren having a conversation

More specifically, having a conversation about Levi and how he was brought to the Scouts.

Throughout the time that you had brought him up from the underground to now, you had managed to hear what you thought to be every possible telling of the story of what really happened. And for some reason, none of the stories mentioned how you were the one to drag him out of the underground or how you were the one to come up with the deal that you had made with him to even convince him join the Scouts.

In almost every single story, they had claimed that Erwin was the one to do everything that you had done.

"I heard that before Captain Levi joined the Survey Corps, he was a notorious thug in the city's Underground Market. I don't know what happened, but some people say Commander Erwin brought him into the Corps." Upon hearing Petra's rendition of the story, you stopped dead in your tracks, leaning against the doorframe and letting out a small chuckle as you look at the two.

"I can't tell you what really happened because he would kill me, but Levi wasn't brought up here by Commander Erwin." Only a few seconds later, Levi himself was standing next to you. It was like he appeared out of thin air. He had a very bad habit of doing that.

"Hey, Eren..." He starts, making Petra put on an act of pretending that she had been sweeping and Eren practically shaking from fear as he spoke. "Y-Yes, Sir!"

"You call that clean?! Do it all again."

One hour turned into two, which turned into five. Five hours straight of cleaning. And to you, it felt like you were being brutally tortured even though you didn't even have to follow the orders of your co-captain. He just scared you to the extent of you actually listening to him.

You were currently holding a meeting with your squad about an expedition that we were possibly being sent on within the coming days. Correction. You were holding a meeting. One that lasted not even a whole ten minutes before Hange had come in and interrupted it.

As soon as they had started talking to Eren, you along with your whole squad just got up and left, leaving Eren defenseless against the wrath of Hange and how he would be kept up all night from their rambling.

The rest of the night had gone peacefully for you, even though it was hard to get any sleep due to the fact that you weren't in your normal room that you had at the regular headquarters. The next morning had come, and you were now talking to Levi about some mission that you were possibly going to go on.

"Is it really the best time for Erwin to throw the new graduates into the mix? I mean, they barely even made it out alive the last time they had to fend for themselves against titans. I get that he needs to have some sort of confidence in them, but this much? It's like he's asking for any new recruits we could even get to be killed right off the bat! What if they just get-"

"(y/n), stop rambling. They're all being put in the vanguard for a reason." Levi's words for some reason calm you down, but not for long. 

In the middle of your conversation, you were cutoff by Hange screaming at the top of their lungs. You promptly stand up when hearing it, practically running outside to see what was going on. And that's when you knew. Both of Hange's titans had been killed.

You walk over to them, gently patting their shoulder in an attempt to get them to be put at ease. "Hange, it's alright! I'm sure that on our next expedition we can get even better titans!"

It was safe to say that any attempt you made was a complete failure. The best way to describe just how badly this was going is that it was like trying to explain to a little kid that their pet had died but then telling them that you could just get a new one. It felt like anything that you could possibly think to say would only make matters worse.

"Let's go, (y/n). The military police can handle the rest." You hear Levi call out, making you walk over to him and Eren as they were walking away from the scene.

"Well, that was the worst I've done at comforting someone in a while."

"I've seen you do worse, so I wouldn't worry too much."

word count: 1215

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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