The feeling of falling from the sky

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is a feeling you probably should have to experience...ever. But in that moment, I felt as if I had fallen from the sky and nothing could stop that.

Opening my eyes, I woke up to find myself sprawled on a lawn in front of a huge circus tent. It was green and black and in the dusk light, it was eerie,creaky and...well... quiet.

I noticed a tall male figure creeping over to me. He reminded me of.... nevermind. This man, before he said anything, i knew he had no name. Then he said

"My name is The Ringmaster and Ringmaster is my name"

I smiled and told him my name, Melisande Lorelai and he grinned his odd grin and smirked. I wanted to pinch him so bad. Nevertheless he helped me onto me feet and looked me dead in the eyes. I knew what he was thinking, he was thinking

How come this girl is expressionless?

And my answer to that was Are we there yet? Because i heard a lot of children's voices.

Behind me, the Ringmaster grinned, thinking he had slapped the trap shut and i was stuck there.

But don't underestimate me.


The Circus which was not what it seemedWhere stories live. Discover now