Cat and Mouse

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Rowan's POV:

I slunked on the couch next to Avery as my mom went on a tangent about what we were doing at the hospital. How did everything turn to shit so fast?

"Are you even listening," my mom asks with smoke coming from her ears. "The police barged into my hospital and raided the morgue. Apparently, Anna's file was missing from inventory. As I was passing one of the desks, I saw this," she held up the button that was on Avery's nurse uniform. "And I connected the dots, I should've known something fishy was going on. You never visit me at work. I stashed the button away in case it led back to you two. Now I deserve an explanation. What exactly were you two doing that night."

Me and Avery both looked at each other with a look of defeat but also understanding. We had to tell the truth, just enough of it though. Avery spoke first.

"It was my idea. I wanted more information on how my sister died. I guess I was battling with the fact that she was really gone. I dragged Rowan along with me and stole the file. I didn't want my mom to know that I had it, that's why I didn't ask for it up front. I'm sorry."

Avery was taking the fall which caught me a bit by surprise. I took her for the saredy type.

"Well, I'll have to inform the police about this. You won't get in trouble, I'll try my best to smooth things over," my mom assures. She glanced down at her watch and let out a sigh. " I have to go. I'm running late. I'm not done with you Rowan," she scolds leaving the house.

I ran my hands through my hair and cussed under my breath.

"Too many things are happening, I can't keep up. Stolen? Avery, we placed the file back why did you admit to taking it?"

"Do you think she would've believed us otherwise? Not owning up to it would just cause unnecessary problems," she explained.

"I have a guess on who sticky fingers nabbed the file."

"Unbelievable, why would this guy even want the autopsy report? Sick bastard probably wanted to see his work in black and white," Avery shook her head disapprovingly.

"I'm tired of questions, it's time we put an end to this," I said taking out the piece of paper that had Mr. Grayson's address on it. "Time to see what's been going on in the cuckoo house."

Oliver's POV:

Last night was wild. What the fuck did I take? I winced at the light that was seeping through my curtain. It feels like someone played ping pong with my head. As I went to grab Adderall from the medicine cabinet, bits and pieces from last night began to piece themselves together. I was with Matt, then Ashe, and blue? 

I groaned at the sudden piercing pain my head was inflicting on me. I took another pill just to be safe. I closed the cabinet and made my way to the kitchen. Passing the dining table, I noticed I managed to get someone's number. I picked up the piece of paper and examined it carefully. I started to remember my interaction with the girl that night. 

How could I forget a face like that. I stopped my boyish daydreaming and placed the paper back on the table. I have Ashe and I honestly couldn't ask for a better girlfriend than her. I was wrong when I said no one cared about me. She proved me wrong when she showed up outside the car the other day. 

The door knocked, pulling me out of my thoughts. That's weird considering this place is just on the edge of town. I asked who it was but got no reply. I peeped the curtain open and only saw a package on the porch. I didn't order anything but who am I to turn down free stuff. 

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