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Juliet to Juice Box TF/TG/MC

Juliet was a 25 year old girl who was named after some character from a romance novel...idk I never read that book. Seems boring as hell.

Anyways, she loved romance novels, and even has a husband named ironic. They both planned to have children together, all with names like "faith, hope, grace". Or something.

So...currently life was going good for Juliet...

...but oh sweet, sweet sweet reader...there is no such thing as a happy ending in these kind of stories now, is there? :)

So, Juliet and Romeo were holding hands while walking down the sidewalk at midnight (STUPIDS!!!111!!). They were being so...lovey dovey to each other...

(ICK! Don't get me wrong, I desire to be in a romantic relationship! I just hate pet names...but anyways, back to you, narrator!) I was saying, the the couple was going on a walk at night...for some reason. They loved each other oh so dearly! But then...something unfortunate happened!

(Are you about to become some Wattpad fanfic writ-)

Some horrid, wretched being swooped down from seemingly out of nowhere! It was in the shape of a circle, with long, pitch black limbs with a blue cross...

That, my good friend, was the 2d creature...named Animatic...

"HELLO THERE!!!" Animatic happily greeted before taking Juliet and POP! they were gone...

"NOOOOOOOOO, MY LOVE!!!!" Was the last thing Juliet ever heard of Romeo.

Juliet then found herself in the Animatic Battle world...with the grass being very flat, and the bushes being blood red instead of the usual dark green...

Then, that dastardly, horrible creature grabbed Juliet's arm and then bit into it! Juliet shrieked in pain as the transformation began...

Juliet looked down in panicked at the sight of her already thin arms turning, somehow, even thinner! And it was snecoming darker too! She hated blac- (WAIT THAT SOUNDS RACI-)

Anyways, when her arms were now basically sticks and pitch black, her legs would suffer the same fate. She then felt a jolt to her womanhood.

She whimpered in pain when her womanhood shriveled up into nothingness. Even though she was genderless, she now felt like a they...and an it...

Juliet felt their long, green dress becoming tighter and tighter around their body until the dress couldn't take it anymore then RIP! the dress was torn apart...

Juliet now looked like some juice carton, specifically an apple juice carton. Then it felt it's head hurt a bit, then a straw came out of their head!

"OW! What th- ACK! My...voice?!" It helped when it heard it's voice. Instead of their usual melodic, soft voice, they sounded a bit scratchy.

"Oh god...please...let this be ov-AAAAAAAAAGH" Juliet screamed in pain when they felt a headache emerged in their head.

Juiciet felt memories of their childhood fading away. High school? More like bye school. College? What's that? Relationships? They don't have bitches last time they checked.

Juicet B whimpered when it was slowly losing memories of their love, Romeo. They wanted to still remember him, but now he was a figment of their imagination...

Juice Bo now remembered that they were competing on Animatic Battle...on a team called Grant Swag, a team that was straws only...

Now, dear Juliet was gone...and Juice Box was here...

"Ugh...where am I??" Juice Box muttered before going off to find their team.


Dianna to Dioptase TF/MC

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