Chapter 10

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-Midpoint check-

Director Doobu and Producer Rain are heading to ground for the midpoint check. "I'm excited to see them." Director Doobu said, Rain just nodded. "I want to see how much they have improve when Ria is helping them."

"After seeing their first test, I'm expecting a lot from them" Rain said. They're in front of the door and was already feeling the energy inside. "The energy is really chaotic." Rain said while smiling.

" Rain said while smiling

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I was watching them being chaotic, I felt someone is staring at me but I didn't look for it. But when I try to find it the door suddenly open. Revealing Director Doobu and producer Rain.

All of their eyes were wide but not me. 'Should I know them?' I thought. I just watch the others fanboying over them. I was so confuse that I zoned out for a minute till someone call me. "Ria? What are you doing over there." 

He said, I look up to see everyone looking at me. 'This is not my time to shine right now. Embarrassing.'  I go over to them just to see the director and the producer looking at me with a smile. 

"I've always want to meet you in person." He said as he raise his hand to shake with mine. I raise my hand to shake his. "Ah really? Thank you." I bow down a bit.  "I like you guys energy before we came in, so just think of me as your older brother. Alright?" He said, we just nodded. 

"Now, who is your implicit leader?" He said. "Its Jay, Ni-ki and Ria." Hanbin said, I look confuse. 'Now when did I became the implicit leader." They nodded. Did I miss out on something or what. 

"I'm gonna be honest to you guys, we were really impressed by your performances during the first test, you guys really improved a lot." He said. I just look at him, still confuse who he might be. "Noona did you heard that? They are impressed by your guys performances!" Ni-ki said.

I just look at them still thinking who they might be. "Noona?" Ni-ki called. At this time I just zoned out, still looking at them. "Noona wake up!" Ni-ki said. The producer and the director just laugh at my expression.

I blink my eyes for a second before looking around. "Noona what were you doing just now.." N-ki ask looking worried. "I just zoned out, don't worry." I said chuckling from the embarrassment. "So, we have high expectations from you guys. I'm looking for this." He said.

"Jay, Ni-ki and Ria take the lead and lets see what you've been practicing." Rain said. I just nodded and was about to show them. But before I could Hanbin pulled for our cheer before we start. 

"Grounders run for your dreams! Let's go!" They said, I just stayed silent since I thought it was 'Grounders lets go.' "Noona  why didn't you say it?" Kyungmin said looking sad. "You guys literally change it without telling me." I said, they just look nervous.

"They are right, Ria do look like a mom here." Director Doobu said as he laugh. "True."


They went to their positions, the moment went the song played everyone change their expression which made Rain and Doobu impressed. "They're good at controlling their expression." Rain ask. 

The grounders did their best and was enjoying it. Rain and Doobu check and observed all of them and they were really amazed. After showing their performances they bow down. Rain and director Doobu just applaud for them. Not knowing what to say. 

"How long have you guys been practice?" Rain ask. "Since the start of the 2nd test." Jay said as he try to catch his breath. "Wah, I'm really impressed that you guys already memories and are in sync just in 3 days!" He said.

They just smile. "I really hope that you guys got to be on stage. So that the others could soo you guys hardwork. And teamwork of course." Rain said. They just smile. While still thinking who they could be.

"I still can't describe their expression, the aura the atmosphere and all of the other things, it just suddenly change. That gave me goosebumps." Director Doobu said. "Thanks to my noona here! She teach us everything that we need to know!" Daniel said.

Ria just zoned out since she was still thinking who they could be. "Why does she always zoned out though?" Rain ask. "Oh, she doesn't know who you guys are." Hanbin said. They just laugh while Ria came back from her sense and look confuse.

"You didn't know who we are?" Rain ask, still laughing. "No? I'm sorry that I didn't know who you are." She bowed. "Don't worry. I'm Rain. The producer that help Bang PD. I am aslo known as the Global Artist." Rain said. 

"Oh! Jung Jihoon!" She said looking surprised and happy. "You know me!"  She just nodded happily. "I'm director Doobu that is performance director." Director Doobu said, her eyes went wide. "Omg how didn't I know you guys from the first place?!" She jump a bit from being too excited.

They just laugh. "Can we see you guys cheers before we left?" They nodded. "Noona don't forget it this time." Daniel said. Ria just shake her head. "Grounders run for your dreams! Let's go!" They said. The producer and the director then left.

"Wah I can't believe that Rain and director Doobu came!" Hanbin said. "I still can't get enough how Ria act when she realize who she's talking with." Jake said while laughing. "I know right! What was that reaction?" Jimin ask.

"You don't even know what I felt that time. I can't believe I didn't know them at the first place!" Ria said looking to excited. "Calm down noona or you'l blow up." Ni-ki said making everyone in the room laugh.

"Lets just continue practice before we forget everything." Ria said before they agree and went to practice.

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