Introduction: Part 1

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This story was inspired by an awesome Buffy, the Vampire fanfic I read called "The Alphabet of Spuffy" by VeroNyxK84. They are one of the most creative writers I've ever encountered. Each drabble will be 100 words. This is dedicated to my good friend BrandyStAndrews who is a Jasam believer through and through!

Introduction: Part 1

Sam takes a sip of hot tea and grimaces. "I'm never going to learn to like this stuff."

Sam and Molly sit together on the penthouse sofa. Well, Sam sits anyway. Molly just sort of shifts around. "You've got ants in your pants today, Mol," Sam observes.

"What? Oh," Molly laughs, "I guess I'm just excited about the baby!"

Sam palms her full belly. "Only a month to go. I can't wait to meet him."

"Me either!"

The doorknob suddenly rattles.

"I wonder who-" Sam starts.

Molly is on her feet, racing to the door. "Come in," she says. "Hurry."

- Cliffy - sorry! Stay tuned for more (to be posted soon)!

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