chapter one

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Birds chirping, the sound of wind chimes. It seemed to be creating a peaceful melody. Everything else was silent. Causing the illusion even more, that it would be a good day. Or at the very least, a good morning.


A loud ear-rupturing scream came from down the hall.
Junior woke up almost immediately. His heart sank as he heard the familiar voice which would give him childhood trauma in the later years.

The door was pushed open, forcefully. It hit the wall. There was already a hole thanks to the knob, this just made it bigger.

"D..Dad!" Junior jumped, his already squeaky voice getting higher. Startled by his father barging in. His father rushed over to him and pulled the covers off. Throwing them across the room so Junior couldn't retrieve them.

"Why aren't you up and ready for school!?" His father shouts, his voice echoing around the room. The sound slams into Juniors' ears, barely awake.

"Yeah Dad- I will get up and help the toads with the.. dishes." He mumbled.

His father's face turns twisted with confusion.

"Junior, what the fuck?" He asks before shaking his head and moving on.

He warns Junior again before leaving, not bothering to close the door. Junior lays back down, rubbing his eyes. He is quickly woken up again by all the yelling coming from downstairs. Junior groans and gets up fully this time. He makes his way to his very own Thomas the train-themed bathroom to take a shower. Making sure to use his bubble bath as shampoo. After he's done he dries up and goes downstairs.

He heads into the kitchen where Chef Pee-Pee is cooking something that can't be identified, not through looks or smell. Junior makes a slightly disgusted face at it but at this point, he's not surprised by Chef Pee-Pee's cooking. Before he makes his presence known, he acknowledges the screaming coming from the table. Mario and his son, Jeffy. The food smeared on the wall is most likely the reason why Mario is angry he figures.

"Chef Pee-Pee I'm hungry." Junior slumps on the counter, getting in Chef Pee-Pee's way.

"Ugh! Junior can't you see I'm cooking!? Just go sit down."

Chef Pee-Pee loses his temper faster than he's losing his hair. The hair will get into the food in some way or another. Junior knows that much.

"Whateva.. your cooking is stinky anyway." Junior mutters as he sits down. He leans over to Jeffy.

"Jeffy, why'd you flip your plate?" He whispers so the adults don't hear him. He assumed the food on the wall was Jeffy's doing.

"He's fucking high! He tried giving me green beans." Jeffy whispers back, getting annoyed again over the mention of green beans.

"Your dad? That sucks. Green beans are the worst."
Junior nods his head once in understanding.

"Yeah junior," Jeffy replies giving him a singular nod to replicate his.

Junior gets served, along with Jeffy.

"Okay, Jeffy eat this. Chef Pee-Pee made it and if you make a mess you're grounded for a month." Mario threatens.

The boys finish their food and rush to the bus stop afterwards. The school bus arrives and they get on, bumping through the seats filled with kids until they find Cody and Joseph.

"Hey guys!" Junior smiles as he sits next to Cody.

After picking up more students the bus comes to a stop. Arrived at 'Y U DUMB? ELEMENTARY SCHOOL' the school they have been going to since kindergarten. The principal there is a complete nightmare, the kids couldn't care about the teacher though.

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